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Europe The European – July 17, 1996

The European July 17, 1996 Why Growth is a Dirty World on Wall Street When a fall in US unemployment figures causes a slump in share values, something is wrong, writes Economics Editor Thierry Naudin Good news for the economy is bad news for finance. Last Friday, a fall in America’s unemployment figures once again […]

Europe The London Financial News – April 21, 1997

The London Financial News April 21, 1997 View Across the Pond In its Present Form, EMU could Prove to be the EU’s Undoing, Says Martin Armstrong The debate over European Monetary Union has largely been argued both emotionally and technically from a theoretical perspective. Nonetheless, there is a much more serious issue of concern for […]

Europe Wirtschafts Woche – May 30, 1996

Wirtschafts Woche May 30, 1996 Sins of Today by Michael Baumann Clinton will Win in November, but the Future will be Dominated by a New Party “Clinton will win again” is the forecast of Martin Armstrong for the US election in November. However, this is not the exciting part of the forecast from the Chairman […]

Europe FOREX and Global Markets – Winter 1997

FOREX and Global Markets Winter 1997 A Few Home Truths about Volatility by Martin A. Armstrong, Princeton Economic Institute Markets all around the world are starting to experience greater spasms on volatility, both overnight and intraday. There comes a time with big trends when a battle between generations emerges that can be classified as the […]

US The Wall Street Journal – April 19, 1995

The Wall Street Journal OP-ED April 19, 1995 Clinton Interest Gimmick to make Debt Much Worse by Martin A. Armstrong, Chairman of Princeton Economic Institute When Bill Clinton announced that he would cut the deficit by a projected $500 billion over five years, there was no screaming or cries of pain. Lobbyists were not weeping in the streets […]

US Investor’s Business Daily – December 3, 1991

Investor’s Business Daily December 3, 1991 Are Taxes Poisoning Economy? Rising Levies in Weak Period Thwart Recovery by Laurie Marmor Recent sharp hikes in federal, state and local levies are creating a phantom “inflation” problem that may be obstructing monetary policy, hurting consumers and businesses and threatening the recovery’s fragile stamina. In the past, a […]

Interviews & Press

Interviews & Lectures Money Week (London July 15th, 2015) INFO Wars June 12. 2015 FX Street Interview Barcelona May 28th, 2015 La Contra – Barcelona – May 27th, 2015 German ZDF Nightly News May 5th, 2015 Die Welt May 3rd, 2015 Smart Investor Weekly (Germany) April 22, 2015 Mises Institute January 15th, 2015 World Economic […]

Armstrong Economics Update

Armstrong Economics Forecasting the World Hello Everyone! Thank you for your interest in Armstrong Economics. We have many interesting projects in the works… Subscription Service We have had many inquires about Martin’s forecasting services. He is currently working on being able to provide these to a broader audience; this is what we will be calling our […]


Glossary Abscissa – the horizontal base line of a chart, x-axis. Ad Valorem Tax – A tax levied as a fixed percentage of the value of a particular item. Aggregate Demand – Total planned or desired spending in the economy as a whole in a given period. It is determined by the aggregate price level […]

8.6 Year Review

8.6-Year Review As a brief introduction to the 8.6-year frequency within the Princeton Economic-Confidence Model, let us follow its course beginning with the last major panic that took place in October 1929 from the US perspective. Factoring in the month of October as .75 to represent a decimal portion of the calendar year, the calculations […]