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Velocity of Money – The Harbinger of Future Omens

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I think this would help readers. I kind of don’t get it. How does the decrease in international velocity of money lead to the youth not having jobs? I don’t see the causation. — Cheers, PC ANSWER: The VELOCITY of money is how fast people are spending and using money – its turnover rate. The […]

France to Spy on Their Own People

The trend towards using terrorism as the excuse to shutdown money and to monitor the general public continues. Authorities are looking closely at eliminating paper money altogether, which would have the benefit of preventing bank runs. This trend is being introduced in France come September, where it will become illegal to purchase anything with more […]

Fractional v Transactional Banking

A lot of people are jumping on board, claiming the problem is fractional banking and the private creation of money, which is somehow wrong, should be handed to government. Money has ALWAYS been private, for it is an agreement between two people to exchange whatever for some common item everyone else agrees to accept. That has been […]

The Strange Case for Gold

QUESTION: Hey Martin, Years ago, I thought I was so smart.  Silver was 5 and gold was 300.  I was pretty young and did not have a lot of money. I purchased 30k worth of silver coins and some gold coins.  My thought process was that silver, most likely is not worth 0. As both […]

A Push for Change in the Right Direction

“The Forecaster” sold out at every venue it has been shown. When I have attended, we have held Q&A sessions that often go on for more than an hour. It has been making national TV news in Germany and now journalists are lining up all across Europe. All of this is not because of me […]

Australia First to Introduce a Compulsory Tax on Money Itself

The reason I moved the Solution Conference forward was due to the fact that all my sources behind the curtain were screaming from the four corners of the world that the new age of Economic Totalitarianism is upon us all. Australia will be the first to introduce a compulsory tax on savings. This is the ultimate Marxist state, for […]

The New Age of Economic Totalitarianism & the London Meeting to End Currency

I have been warning that the governments of the West are in severe trouble. We face the worst economic crisis, perhaps in modern history, with the distinct risk of moving into a state of Economic Totalitarianism. The governments are well aware of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM). Many people have questioned, “Why have they not killed you?” […]

Europe to End FDIC Insurance System for Banks?

So what is the purpose of paying taxes? It was supposed to be about protecting society, but politicians are bribed to allow the banks to do as they like with other people’s money. The whole system of insuring the people to create confidence goes out the window when those protections cost too much. It was […]

Negative Interest Rates = Tax on Savings

The current trend in Europe towards negative interest rates amounts to taxing whatever cash you have left after paying 50% in taxes. The bond auctions are starting to show signs that people will wake up and see what is going on. The incredible fact is that now, about 30% of all government debt in Europe […]

Why the Top 1% Get Richer

The socialists love to tout that 1% of the world’s population will own more wealth than the other 99%. From the socialists’ viewpoint, this justifies stealing from one group to give to another, despite this model failing in the past. It is also in clear violation of the Ten Commandments. But why does this trend […]