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Market Talk- October 24, 2018

A lack of direction resulted in a mixed session for Asia today. Probably a sigh of relief for many market participants, as they are still attempting to explain the past few days events! Although, we are seeing volatile stock markets, it is worth keeping an eye on the currency movements. Again today we see the […]

Coming New German Documentary

I flew to Germany to participate in another German documentary on the European Economy conducted by the renowned German filmmaker Marcus Vetter.  I believe this will be released this weekend. Just for the record, I was neither paid nor do I participate in any revenue from this new film. I agreed to participate as a […]

Market Talk- October 23, 2018

The weak US session did not help retain Asia’s confidence overnight and we see the result of nerves returning. Yesterday’s performers were todays victims, with most losses being centred round the Nikkei, Shanghai and the Hang Seng. The interesting thing for Japan is that although we saw a 2.65% decline in the Nikkei and we […]

The End of Britain with 2nd Referendum on BREXIT?

As many as 670,000 people protested in London to call for a second Brexit referendum. Our computer is showing that a second referendum will vote to remain but this is most likely because they will rig the vote. This is in conflict with our economic model which shows that BREXIT should still win. Keep in […]

Market Talk- October 18, 2018

A weak session for much of core Asia, with almost all markets falling from the opening. Sadly, it is China that leads the way adown again. Many are speculating that it is relation to the FED Minutes and their continued appetite to raise rates which pressures all currencies favouring the USD. The Shanghai index traded […]

Market Talk- October 17, 2018

We opened the day with Asia playing catch-up. All core markets opened firmer, but then the decline returned and we questioned if markets would even close up! Shanghai was a classic example of that today having opened strong. However, with an hour of trading was down around 2%, but then a last time buying spree […]

Is Tony Blair a Traitor to Britain to Help Politicians in EU?

QUESTION: Is Tony Blair just a traitor to the British People to help his fellow politicians in Europe? JS ANSWER: Yes.  Tony Blair is out there pitching for another Brexit referendum as Prime Minister Theresa May, who also did not want to exit the EU, will be unable to secure a parliamentary majority and this seems […]

Italy Sends it Budget to Brussels

The Italian Government has gone and adopted the controversial draft budget for the coming financial year. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that the budget plan would keep the government’s promises, and keep the public finances in order. The government has now forwarded the draft to the EU Commission in Brussels for consideration. This is where […]

Merkel’s Conservative Lose Absolute Majority in Bavaria

It is really mindblowing how politicians simply refuse to admit a mistake with the refugees and reverse course. Merkel has dug in her heels in over this issue and it is just not going to get better. From the outset, I warned that in an economic decline, the last thing you do is accept immigrants. […]

The ECB on the Verge of Collapse?

  The European Central Bank (ECB) will NOT aid Italy with an EU rescue program if the country or its banks are in financial turmoil. The Italian government is taking the view that Italy has become an “occupied” country and that Germany has conquered Europe imposing austerity and its view of inflation upon the whole […]