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ISIS The Counter Crusades?

  Trying to understand an opponent is typically difficult because the bottom line is the vast majority of people judge others by themselves. The key to comprehending the world and even markets for that matter, it never turns on what you think, but on what they think. This is why I also say it’s never […]

Gold Made it Cycle Inversion – It is What it Is

QUESTION: I do not know what is the accuracy of your model for the long term. If I’m correct, your model functions “like” the weather forecasting models, every new information is integrated to refine the results. My question is, it is possible that the real move for gold only became possible in 2017? If the value […]

Are we headed into a European Equity Bubble?

  Our Energy models are warning that the European markets are getting overdone. We have to pay very close attention to Europe for the share markets may not advance and this could send even more capital fleeing to the USA.   Everyone has been buying the bunds and the Dax inside Europe assuming that when […]

Showings of the Forecaster

  This is an independent film. They will be doing their own thing. They have distributors lining up around the world. They will eventually have their own DVD sales. We do not participate in that and when they have their links up, it will be best to check the scheduled showings and where.   Here […]

HSBC Geneva Raided

  The BBC is reporting that that the police have raided HSBC Geneva. In New York, bankers still walk on water. Not sure how the US got this bad or why the Justice Department protects the banks so much. The country was suppose to be the land of the free has turned into the worst […]

The Movie & Europe

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I will be in Europe (Switzerland) March and April. Too bad I will miss the Berlinale. Please advise how I can find out where the movie will show in Europe? I checked the website but cannot find a schedule for 2015. I would gladly travel to see it. My background: also a […]

Entropy – ENERGY & More

QUESTION: Hi Marty…as a long time reader and communicator of your work and with you, ive learnt a great deal since 2008/09 when i first picked up your typewriter written reports….however something has piqued my curiosity lately reading your blog posts. 1) Youve been talking alot lately about the “energy model’, i think alot of […]

What Makes me Tick? Good Question!

QUESTION: Martin, I’d like to ask you a somewhat personal question if you don’t mind (and I’m sure many readers would be interested too). The vast majority of people that seek your advice, based on your work, I’m sure are looking to make or save money; that’s all their interested in with you. I too […]

It is How you Interpret Laws that Counts

I have warned that government can take any law and create absolute tyranny. It is all how you interpret and enforce a law and between far too many new police, they simply prosecute people insanely. It became a joke inside. There was a Vietnam Vet who had an empty shell case he wore around his neck. […]

How FATCA is Destroying the World Economy & Americans

The horror stories from Americans around the world are just unbelievable. The IRS and FATCA are hunting people everywhere. This is part of the Decline & Fall of the United States. Whenever a government turns against its own people for taxes to sustain its life, the end is never far behind. This is part of […]