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China Moving to Replace USA as Financial Capitol of World

A vital step in the shift of the Financial Capitol of the World moving from the West to the East, is becoming visible if you pay attention. Our model has revealed that the Financial Capitol of the World moves with the rise and fall of nations. China on the verge of becoming a net exporter […]

CME Ending Floor Trading

One item in my art collection is a Leroy Neiman work of the Chicago Futures Exchange. That last vestige of the swashbuckling era of commodities floor trading is closing down. While the decision is clearly a corporate bean-counter at the CME Group Inc. who has no idea about the art of trading, we are losing something […]

Puerto Rico in Sovereign Debt Crisis

Puerto Rico is also in the middle of a debt crisis. A federal judged ruled it was unconstitutional for a  state to modify municipal debt. Government debt is worst of all for there is never any fiscal management. All they do is is assume we schmucks are always there with deep pockets. They never know […]

The Risk of Artificial Intelligence

People like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk are worried about what might happen as a result of advancements in AI. They’re concerned that robots could grow so intelligent that they could independently decide to exterminate humans. And if Hawking and Musk are fearful, does this mean you probably should be too? While no doubt interesing men, are they […]

Ukraine should have Been Divided

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I initially disagreed with you that Ukraine should be divided. I lived in Donetsk. I have fled to the West taking my family to safety. Those of us who were pro-Ukrainian were the minority. More than 6,000 people have died trying to hold this country together. I concede, sir, you were correct […]

We may now Live for 200 years – OMG We Really Need Political Reform!

    Chinese researchers have artificial blood vessels made of a material that will offer stability while enabling the growth of new cells. The researchers in Shanghai used to a special type of 3-D printing and paper-thin threads. The vascular graft is surgically attached to a damaged or clogged artery to allow the blood to flow or […]

Greek Interest Rates Hit 21.68% on the 3 year

The Greek crisis began exactly on the Pi turning date to the day. Now, Greek demand for gold coins is rising as common citizens worry that Greece will exit the Euro. They have been taking cash out of the banks hoarding and buying gold coins as well according to the U.K. Royal Mint. But the bulk […]

Swiss National Banks looking now at Capital Controls

Less than a day after the head of the SNB hinted at the possibility of capital control, the head of the largest Swiss cantonal bank, and the fourth largest Swiss Bank, the Zurich Cantonal Bank or ZCB, came out and explicitly said what so many fear (and which warning they would ascribe to as the […]

Kerry Exposed as a Liar

Europe is moving against the USA and closer to Russia. Kerry has outright lied to the American public to cover-up their stupid sanctions policy. Following Francois Hollande’s calls for greater autonomy for Eastern Ukraine, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has come out in apparent support of Russia (and specifically against the US), “we are part […]

Double Standard about Manipulations – Environment v Wall Street

The evidence is growing how scientists have been “averaging” and seasonally adjusting seasons to desperately show that man is creating global warming. They deny flatly that there is a long-term cyclical model. The whole theory of ice ages began after ancient animals were discovered in Russia frozen intact with food still in their mouths. These […]