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The Fate of All Municipal Governments – Look to Peoria, Illinois

The governmental system we have is totally corrupt and it outright UNSUSTAINABLE!!!! In Illinois, the city of Peoria has been forced to eliminate 22 firefighter and 16 police positions even after they made 27 layoffs earlier this year. Besides eliminating employees, they are now looking at adding a tax of $50-$300 to per resident try to cover […]

Custodial Risk

QUESTION: I have been a reader for 10+ year, Socrates subs and reg for Orlando WEC. Thank you and as a Veteran, I admire your courage and service. Ques: Under Dodd-Franks & Bail-In & Bankruptcy Priority; and, due to the Global Debt Crisis, is there a Custodial Risk for Investors a) who are “beneficial owners” […]

The First BREXIT – 260AD

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, thank you for your excellent commentary. Could you comment on the monetary system in Britain during the period following Rome’s waterfall event? I would be especially interested in the period following the capture of Valerian I through the 9th century. MG ANSWER: I suspect that the purpose of your inquiry is the loose […]

Michael Avenatti is Ordered to Pay almost $300,000 in Fees to Trump as Case is Dismissed

  A California federal judge has awarded attorneys for President Donald Trump nearly $300,000 in fees for Michael Avenatti and his failed defamation claim brought by porn star Stormy Daniels for which he raised $600,000. U.S. District Judge S. James Otero held that when Stormy Daniels said in a TV interview that a man had confronted […]

The Abuse of Prosecutor Discretion Is a Real Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; your explanation of Cohen’s plea is the most authoritative I have read. In other words, even Comey violated this statute by coming out to exonerate Hillary during the election since that was something of value and was intended to influence the election. Didn’t Obama try to influence the elections in France, Britain, […]

How Gov’t Violates Human Rights using Conspiracy Theory

Ireland is now claiming it needs to pass the Magnitsky Act to defend human rights. The greatest human rights violations take place in the legal system. It was Adolf Hitler’s notorious court that everyone said violated human right because it had a 90% conviction rate against people accused of being Jewish. Well Ireland, like the […]

When is Inflation – Deflation?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; the WEC was the best ever. The materials it took you a month to prepare in advance are amazing. Your insight into the difference between a sovereign debt crisis and how that produces deflation compared to the debasement deserves a Nobel Prize. My question is how did the people cope with the […]

BREXIT Vote Postponed?

Prime Minister Theresa May has postponed the final vote on her BREXIT deal, which is a clear admission that she does not believe she can get the unpopular withdrawal agreement through the House of Commons. What is really fascinating is that the computer seems to have forecasted that result. We did not see a major […]

Coldest December on Record in China

China is also experiencing the coldest day record during December 6 below zero C. Snow is falling in Beijing to Shanghai. It has been in the 70s in Abu Dhabi and in Tampa Florida, so the cold is dipping lower and lower across the planet. Temperatures in China have been held under 4 below zero C on […]

BREXIT Vote in Parliament

The House of Commons in the British Parliament will vote on Tuesday amid growing calls for the PM to go back to Brussels to renegotiate. Prime Minister Theresa May (PM) could remain in office even if the MPs reject her Brexit plan. The PM has come out and warned Tory rebels that their rejection could lead […]