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Antonia – Wife

Antonia 36BC-38AD The younger daughter of Marc Antony & Octavia Mother of Emperor Claudius Grandmother of Emperor Caligula Antonia the Younger was the daughter of Mark Antony and Octavia. Together, the couple produced two daughters, both of whom were named Antonia. The younger Antonia was born about 36 BC. Antonia was a woman of renowned character who had […]

Gaius Caesar – Son

Gaius Caesar  (Born 20 BC – Died February 21st, 4 AD) Gaius Caesar was the oldest son of Augustus’ daughter Julia from her second marriage to Marcus Agrippa. His younger brothers were named Lucius and Agrippa Postumus. Gaius and Lucius were destined by Augustus to succeed him, since Augustus himself lacked a son. Both boys were adopted by Augustus as his own children […]

Julia – Daughter of Augustus

Julia Daughter of Augustus Wife of Agrippa Mother of Gaius & Lucius Julia was the only child of Augustus and his first wife, Scribonia. She was born in 39 BC and initially was the source of great enjoyment and pride to her father. After a fairly normal childhood, Julia was married to Marcus Claudius Marcellus […]

Augustus 27BC-14AD

Augustus First Emperor of Rome27BC-14AD Born 63 BC – Died 14 AD, age 78 With the defeat of Marc Antony and Cleopatra in 30 BC, Octavian emerged as the undisputed master of the Roman World. The Battle of Actim effectively ended the Republic and would give birth to Imperial Rome. His great-uncle Julius Caesar briefly attained such […]

Octavia – 2nd Wife

Octavia    Sister of Octavian Second wife of Mark Antony died 11 BC Octavia was the sister of Octavian (Augustus), born the daughter of Gaius Octavius and Atia, daughter of Caesar’s sister, Julia. Octavia was married to Consul Gaius Marcellus at a rather young age in 50 BC. Octavia bore three children in this marriage […]

Marc Antony – 42 BC

Marc Antony Born 83 – Died 30 BC, age 53 Imperator, 46 – 30 BC Marcus Antonius was born in 83 BC, the son of Antonius Creticus and Julia, who was related to Julius Caesar. His father was a rather unsuccessful admiral who died early during his childhood. His mother remarried P. Cornelius Lentulus who raised him for most […]

Can the World Be Saved?

Can the World Be Saved? Global Meltdown post July 20th Hedge Funds – Fed Social Threats of War & Designing A New World Financial System by Martin A. Armstrong copyright October 3rd 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There has been much turmoil in the past several weeks that has led to considerable outcry for everything from […]

Do We Need to Be "Rescued From Capitalism?"

Global Meltdown Do we need to be “rescued from Capitalism?” By Martin A. Armstrong © September 16th, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There is little doubt that the global economy is experiencing at the very least a short-term meltdown. George Soros’ comments yesterday calling for more intervention and bailouts because emerging market investors need to be […]

Intervention With a new twist

Intervention With a new twist By Martin A. Armstrong Copyright August 14, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute Friday’s price action in Hong Kong brought with it more than a mere short-cover rally of 9%. For perhaps the first time in history a government has directly intervened in a share market using the futures to do so. […]

Economic Confidence Model & the July 20th Turning Point

The Economic Confidence Model & The July 20th, 1998 Turning Point By Martin A. Armstrong Princeton Economic Institute © Copyright July 21st, 1998 So far the markets that have reached a major high precisely to the day with our July 20th, 1998 target have been the US and European share markets. It is important to […]