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Timing on Crude Oil

CRUDE OIL Weekly Timing Arrays for Nymex Futures (see below) suggest that the week of August 5th as a target for Directional Change and High Volatility, and the week of September 23rd for Panic. The potential for significant turning points during the weeks of August 5th and September 23rd (signalled by the vertical lines on […]


Introduction This trading manual is NOT another technical analysis guide on how to use RSI, Stochastic, MACD or any other technical indicator you may have read about in the past. This is NOT another text on how to measure momentum, money flow analysis, or construct an advance/decline line. Moreover, we do not teach pattern recognition […]

Global Model

Global Model Since the dawn of time, man has tried desperately to predict the future. Man has gazed upon the stars, summoned soothsayers and astrologers and sought guidance in the patterns of tea leaves and chicken entrails. He has studied the movements of planets, comets, and even the flight of an owl. However, no matter […]

Artificial Intelligence

Forecasting markets has always been a nightmare to say the least. Just when you think that you have everything figured out, the trend suddenly emerges in the opposite direction. The science of forecasting itself has encountered a rather shabby reputation largely due to the number of people in the field who think they have everything […]

Debt Crisis

The Debt Crisis The Ultimate Defining Issue of American Politics There has been a lot of talk about bringing the deficit down. Clinton argued that issue in support of his massive $245 billion tax increase. While it is true that the deficit declined over the last two years, it is NOT true that this was […]

Debt Forecast & Solution

Solutions For The Debt Crisis © Martin A. Armstrong The general perception of interest rates and debt within the financial community is about as far from reality and common sense as one might be in this day and age. With government deficits still a major problem and no solutions from the political arena in sight, one […]

A Continued Era of Deflation or A Premature Expectation of Inflation?

A Continued Era of Deflation or A Premature Expectation of Inflation? © Martin A. Armstrong Economists and analysts argue that double-digit inflation is something of the past – a freak of nature that took place during the Carter years of the mid-70s. On April 19th, 1993, Alan Greenspan (Chairman of the Federal Reserve) made a statement […]

Is Debt Inflationary?

Is Debt Inflationary? © Martin A. Armstrong   One of the ideas being kicked around in Germany is that of issuing debt to cover the costs of unification. The German government argues, as most other nations, that inflation will not emerge if the costs of unification are covered by new debt rather than the outright of […]

The Cycle of Political Change

The Cycle of Political Change Republicans will Sweep Capital Hill in 1994 © Martin A. Armstrong Far too many analysts constantly compare every downturn in the stock market and economy to the Great Depression. The majority of stock market analysts have been looking for a major top and a big crash ever since they missed calling […]

A Crisis in Democracy

A Crisis in Democracy The Price of Intervention © Martin A. Armstrong Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy once wrote in his classic Ode back in the 19th century… “We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale […]