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German court Rules that Men can Urinate while Standing

Well Chalk one-up for men who finally won something. The German court ruled that men actually have a right to stand while urinating. Just amazing. Perhaps once in a while judges can make a rational decision – of course it wasn’t in New York City. Believe it or not, there are places in Europe that outlaw […]

Comment From Russia

COMMENT: inspite of being on the other side of the political spectrum and opinion I value much of your work and thank you, I made a killing last night shorting the euro. the drama of the french journalists is pathetic as no one gave a rats ass when the 17 television journalists at RTS in […]

King of Saudi King Abdullah Dies Opening the Door to More Uncertainty

The king of Saudi King Abdullah died on Friday after two decades of power. This presents some concern because historically whenever such changes take place, often those dissatisfied with the government begin to make their move. Consequently, this change in power brings risk of rising civil unrest where protests have been increasing. The decline in crude […]

Computing Power

Lack of a Free press

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have noticed that not merely Sundance refused to show your movie, but with all your amazing forecasts, one would think the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, New York Times, Washington Post, and Bloomberg, would be pounding on your door for an interview. You would imagine they would write about what your computer […]

Davos – The Arrogance of Officialdom

In 55BC, Cicero stood before the Senate of Rome and warned of its demise because of a trade deficit importing spices and silk from China. He spoke of the “arrogance of officialdom” and the more I studied the going ons throughout history, the more it hit me – history repeats because the passions of man […]

Police Reply

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong,   First, I have been reading your blog for quite some time and appreciate your service and perspective.  I really appreciate your historical perspective on many issues and consider myself a fan.   The recent comment regarding police pensions being paid for by seizures are inflammatory and not true in most cases […]

Beware the Euro

  The vital technical support lies at the 1.13 level. The Euro has some support at the 1.03, 1.07, and 1.09 level. After that, we should see the Euro crack the par level. This now seems to be the goal to devalue the sovereign debt of member states. Those who have claimed the Euro would […]

Can Gold Continue to Rise?

  We need a closing ABOVE 1305 to keep gold neutral right now. Additional key resistance begins at 1310, 1319, 1321, and 1326. It may prove to be very difficult for gold to rise beyond this seasonal high in the face of a very strong dollar. Caution is the word that applies to gold right […]

Beware The British Pound

    We warned that the British pound would also crack in the coming dollar rally. Here too, we see a serious decline remains open. A monthly closing below the 150 level will signal the break is underway. London real estate may get real cheap at last for Americans.   The deflation in Europe is […]