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The Coming Dollar Rally

  With the intentional policy to lower the value of the Euro to try to stimulate the European economy, the dollar will rise as we have been warning and we may see this reach all time record highs. This will then turn the US economy down after 2015.75 and you can see, smell, and taste […]

Delusional Demise of the Euro – It’s A Plan Now

The eminent collapse of the Euro was pre-determined by the disastrous design from the outset. Instead of accepting responsibility and altering the mistakes that would require political reform, we are in a position where Europe is simply moving into the realm of beyond all hope. From the outset, they sent the commission to our World […]

ECB Fighting A Losing Battle

The increase in buying by the ECB from 50 to 60 billion is reflecting what we posted earlier. The massive contraction appears to be closer to 6 trillion Euros. The ECB clearly gained more support even from Germany for this is a far easier way to try to bailout members than politicians having to face […]

ECB Agrees to Buy now 60 Billion not 50 Billion

The European Central Bank agreed on Thursday to embark on a quantitative easing (QE) programme that will see it print money to buy up 60 billion euros worth of sovereign bonds from March until the end of September next year. The money will include some from existing programmes. Countries under a bailout programme, such as Greece, […]

The Insanity of the ECB

The European Central Bank (ECB) kept its main interest rate unchanged on Thursday, but markets are still on edge ahead of this afternoon’s press conference, at which central bank President Mario Draghi is expected to announce a “full-blown” quantitative easing (QE). “Further monetary policy measures will be communicated by the President of the ECB at a […]

Beware the Barbarians INSIDE the Gates

BEWARE the Police. The Police today are acting in the very same role as the soldiers that furthered the fall of Rome. They are seizing money with no crime and its all going to pay their pensions. This is getting more and more press as here on CNN. Looks like history repeats. It was the […]

Fighting the Business Cycle – Longest War in History

The one war that never ends is how people constantly try to fight the trend. The ECB will buy bad government debt they created instead of doing what was necessary from the start – consolidate all state debt. That would have enabled the Euro to be a viable currency creating a reserve base that does […]

Equity Dividend Yield > 10 Year Treasury

The underlying support for the US share market is starting to unfold for the long-term (not short-Term trading). The yield on the S&P 500 has exceeded the 10-year Treasury warning that we are indeed entering the Bond Bubble. The peak in this relationship was 1931 when dividend yield reached about 9.5% after bottoming in 1929 […]

Are Hedge Funds Really Sophisticated?

The hedge fund CANARSIE CAPITAL, LLC of New York City lost more than 98% in a single year. Owen Li, former Raj Rajaratnam’s Galleon Group trader, lost just about everything out of $100 million leaving just $200,000 behind. In a letter to investors he apologized stating he was “acting overzealously”.  Even a simple oscillator would have warned […]

Gold – The Week of January 19th – Here We Are

Of course the Gold Promoters are touting jump on. They always do that. This was the target week the computer highlighted back in early December. Today is the Directional Change and the Daily Bullish Reversal stands at 1298. The weekly stands at 1324. Every time gold rallies, they come rushing out screaming BUY BUY BUY. […]