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Is Benioff Cheering the Demise of his Client Base?

  It is unfortunate that Salesforce is a Dow stock. Its head, Marc Benioff, is a board member of the World Economic Forum. They have interestingly introduced vaccine monitoring. We have to start scrutinizing every company that has struck any partnership with the World Economic Forum. Our timing models called for the Directional Change during […]

Hope for the Future

After serious discussions, there is great concern that those behind Biden and drafting these executive orders having him sign them is off the charts wiping out We The People. Trump’s orders to bring down drug prices for diabetics were just reversed to help big pharma. It appears that the corruption is running very deep, but […]

NY to Lose Financial Capital of US to Miami?

The first financial capital of the United States was Philadelphia. A walk down Chestnut street and you will see all the old banks which have been turned into mostly restaurants. That was the home of the Bank of the United States which Andrew Jackson was intent on destroying. But Philadelphia continued to be the financial […]

Trump’s Farewell & Now the Great Reset & The Secret Agenda – Divide & Conquer

  CNN has done its best to absolutely trash everything Trump has ever done. They even have the audacity to write: “He leaves office with more than 400,000 Americans dead from a virus he chose to downplay or ignore” despite the fact when he shut down air travel from China the Democrats called him racist. […]

The Markets & Economy Going Forward

It is beyond description that we face such crazy times politically around the world. The people are distracted between the left and the right but what is being ignored has been just what is the incentive for governments to join this cabal? What is really going on is simply that we have reached the end […]

Government Calling out Military Against the People

COMMENT: Hi Martin Just thought you might be interested in this article in today’s Sunday Times in the UK – our military intelligence are going to be involved to ensure that we don’t get to hear the opposing points of view with respect to vaccine safety – they really are worried that many people will […]

The Future & Chaos

COMMENT #1: Marty, Does this all mean that this takeover can make the canceling of physical USD possible, maybe as soon as January to line up with Europe? Previously you responded to my email question on a digital dollar and said that they couldn’t do that since over 70% of cash was held overseas. Can this […]

Was the 536 AD Environmental Disaster Picked up on the ECM?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Hope you are well. We know the world is in for a dramatic change. I think that the Sun and consequently Nature is the driving force, we humans can only be a witness. I found something interesting on YouTube. Do you have this catastrophe incorporated in your model? Kind regards H ANSWER: […]

Australian Tyranny – Is Revolution Coming?

  This video shows the tyranny in Australia as they arrested a pregnant woman for posting about a protest against the lockdowns. We have warned that the War Cycle, which includes Civil Unrest, turned up in 2014 and will build into intensity by 2022. This is not a forecast that has ever given me any […]

Solution – Legal Battle Against Socialism

We are in need of a qualified lawyer prepared to file a lawsuit against Progressive Taxation as a denial of Due Process and Equal Protection of the law. For centuries, people have debated whether the wealthy should pay more taxes on a percentage basis than everyone else and what even constitutes the wealthy. The definition […]