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The Sovereign Debt Crisis


This is a special report going over the Sovereign Debt Crisis which is upon us and its timing. We look at the various times governments have defaulted and the outcomes as well as the causes. There have also been partial defaults where you may have the short-term paper that is suddenly converted to long-term. There have been wars over debt and gunboat diplomacy. It is important to understand why we are going through a major economic change. Governments have been borrowing since World War II with absolutely no intention of paying anything off. This is now all coming to a head and how the government become much more authoritarian is key to understanding why this is happening and what we need to do to grasp the future for ourselves.

2020 US Elections & Beyond

Here is the 2020 Election Forecast and Beyond. This is a special report that provides the Forecasting Arrays out for 12 years so this is not just the 2020 election which we have provided previously to only politicians and governments. The stakes were never this high before.

Here you will see firsthand why we have been concerned that the 2020 election will be the most corrupt in American history, and people are confused about what lies ahead. This report also illustrates why we have said that there is more concern about not Trump but what comes AFTER Trump and why elections may vanish post-2024. We are already observing some government drastic suspension of civil rights around the world claiming COVID and the Democrats have pushed for mail-in ballots also claiming it is far too dangerous to leave your home to simply vote. On top of that, we have a full blow in the open coup by social media to suppress the truth and push only Biden by Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

Anyone can claim to have forecast the Trump victory in 2016 based on a gut feeling expressed logically for their reasons. Here the first four political models back in 2016 were all unanimous calling for a Trump victory – not my personal opinion. Only Socrates was able to forecast Trump’s victory years in advance and BREXIT. Neither was based on my personal opinion. The standard in the forecasts these days is one opinion against another. We have to move beyond that if we ever hope to see the future consistently.

This nearly 200-page report provides the models on both the prospects for Trump based on the popular vote as well as the Electoral College. Then you will find the forecasts for the combined Senate and House – Congress with the system models, technical analysis, and the cyclical Arrays. This is followed by specific sections for the Senate and Congress.

Then you will find all 50 states covered with the model forecasts for the outcome of each state.

This is the report we would provide to those in power for each election. Because of the seriousness of what we face on a political level globally, we are making this report available to everyone. Those attending the World Economic Conference in person or virtually need NOT purchase this report – it is included in your ticket price.


The 2020 Gold Silver Ratio

On the various interviews I have done concerning the precious metals, many were surprised to hear me say that gold was not breaking out on a sustained basis with the ratio rising. When the ratio hit the target area, many have written in to say wow, shorting gold and long silver was an amazing trade. The future of precious metals is an interesting one. Of course, the pro-gold sites hate my guts because all they ever say is "buy" with no respect for the financial wellbeing of people. Many have commented that some sites stopped reporting on our forecasts because they disagree with their constant bullishness and they have acted no differently than YouTube removing anyone who disagrees with COVID and the WHO. That seems to be the standard human response when they are trying to sell only their agenda and do not want anyone to listen to a contrary opinion.

Such behavior is not ethical but it is far worse. It shows they have a closed mind and refuse to listen which is the same thing going on with Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab with their Great Reset - their way or no way. We are all in this together and the analysis cannot be one-sided. As my mother always used to say, there is a time and place for everything.

To TRULY understand the future path of the precious metals, we have to honestly look at the past and shed this absurd theory that an increase in money supply will create hyperinflation and only gold will survive. That has NEVER taken place in the history of any hyperinflation - EVER! Even the German hyperinflation ended with a new currency in 1925 backed by real estate. Moreover, the Fed's number of M2 money supply was $1.5 trillion in 1980 while it was $18.6 trillion by the end of September 2020. Since the 1980 high in gold was $875, that theory means gold should be $10,850 right now. That proves all that yelling and screaming is just sophistry not based on real analysis.

There is simply a lot more at stake than what the gold proponents push. Gold and silver have their place in what is unfolding. But everyone needs to understand it is NOT one solution against everything else. To survive the future, we must truly understand the reality of the past.

2020 Gold Silver Ratio ................ $300

This report is included with a 2020 WEC Orlando ticket purchase.


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Please note: This is a Digital Copy of the report.

It may take a few moments to confirm your order. Please allow the page to load and select the "place order" button only once as repeated attempts may result in double charges.

Once your order is placed, the report will be available for download via the confirmation page. Additionally, you will receive an order confirmation email that will include a link to download the report. Please keep in mind that this is a limited use link to download the report, and the charge on your credit card may reference AE Global Solutions, Inc. (owner of Armstrong Economics).

Again, this report is digital -- a hard copy of the report will not be sent with this purchase. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, refunds are not offered. Please consider this before you place your purchase.

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The Great Reset

This report goes into great detail about a well funded & well-organized coalition to not just impose vaccines and depopulate the world, which may even be a ploy knowing they will not vaccinate China or Russia, but to actually destroy the world economy to end fossil fuels and impose by bribery and collusion their vision of how the world should function to stop Climate Change and impose by decree ZERO CO2.

We are facing massive unemployment as they wipe out industry and continue to try to keep people locked down to reduce CO2. For two months, Britain needed less electricity and they shut down coal plants. There is a fleet of cars that remain unsold and even Hertz was forced into bankruptcy. They have shut down tourism and Southern Europe will not survive without massive bailouts blowing the entire debt situation to insanity.

There are even two types of vaccines they have been developing. The first is the standard where they inject you with a portion of the virus. But Gates has also funded vaccines that operate totally differently. They are targeting your genetic DNA to alter it under the pretense it will prevent COVOD-19.

Most people do not realize that former Chancellor  Helmut Kohl of Germany who admitted he acted like a dictator to create the Euro denying the German people any right to vote on the question, was caught in 2000 with massive bribes he had taken and the CDU even distanced itself from him. When he died, there were accounts in Switzerland with millions of undisclosed and cash transactions in parking lots. All of this corruption created the Euro outside any democratic process. This is the very same strategy being employed and politicians embrace this agenda against the people and many will be shown to have also taken bribes.

This report dives into every aspect and documents their agenda from calling for a 400% increase in taxation and providing Guaranteed Basic Income for those they put out of work to stay home and just watch TV on a minimal subsistence.

Welcome to the New Green Socialist World Order they're strategically marketing as the Great Reset. This is probably the most outrageous political strategy every devised to deliberate defraud everyone of any human rights that will only exist at their pleasure. There has been no greater diabolical pilot perhaps in human history.


PLEASE NOTE: This report may be turned into a book in the future, however, this purchase is for the digital version ONLY. If there is an update made to the report following your purchase, please refer back to the original link in order to download the latest version.

You can access your original download link in either of the following ways:

1) Your (AE website) Store Account  - All digital product link(s) are stored in the Downloads section (if logged in at the time of your purchase).

2) Your order confirmation email - It would've been sent to the email associated with your purchase.

***The store account on the AE website is separate from the Socrates Platform so credentials for a Socrates account (if you have one) will not work. A store account on the AE website is not required to make a purchase and doesn't provide any additional access on the site. The store account allows for an easier checkout process when making a purchase and saves all digital product(s) purchased from the AE Store.***


Product Delivery:

Please note: This is a Digital Copy of the report.

It may take a few moments to confirm your order. Please allow the page to load and select the "place order" button only once as repeated attempts may result in double charges.

Once your order is placed, the report will be available for download via the confirmation page. Additionally, you will receive an order confirmation email that will include a link to download the report. Please keep in mind that this is a limited use link to download the report, and the charge on your credit card may reference AE Global Solutions, Inc. (owner of Armstrong Economics).

Again, this report is digital -- a hard copy of the report will not be sent with this purchase. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, refunds are not offered. Please consider this before you place your purchase.

Thank you for your business!



2017 WEC Q&A Session with Michael Campbell

Michael Campbell of "MoneyTalks Radio"  sits down with Martin Armstrong for a candid discussion on the future of the global economy going into 2018.

Topics include:

Day 1
1)Public vs Private Wave   2)Bond Market & Interest Rates    3)Rise in the Dollar    4) Global Shifts in Economic Confidence

Day 2
1)Turning Point Factors   2)Interpreting the Panic Cycle    3) Markets in 2018    4) Pensions & Property Taxes 5)New Reserve Currency 6) The Coming Phase Transition

RUNTIME: 01:54:20


2018 Canadian Outlook Report – Available Now!

This report provides an in-depth look of the future of the Canadian dollar, share market (TSX), interest rates, and real estate market based on Martin Armstrong’s trusted.

2018 Canadian Outlook Report

Prepare for the year ahead by purchasing the 2018 Canadian Outlook report.

This report provides an in-depth look of the future of the Canadian dollar, share market (TSX), interest rates, and real estate market based on Martin Armstrong’s trusted models.

Product Delivery:

It may take a few moments to confirm your order. Please allow the page to load and select the “place order” button only once as repeated attempts may result in double charges.

Once your order is placed, the report will be available for download via the confirmation page. Additionally, you will receive an order confirmation email that will include a link to download the report. Please keep in mind that this is a limited use link to download the report, and the charge on your credit card may reference AE Global Solutions, Inc. (owner of Armstrong Economics).

For clarification, our reports are digital — we do not mail hard copies of reports. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, refunds are not offered. Please consider this before you place your purchase.

Thank you for your business!



2017 Canadian Outlook Report

Prepare for the year ahead by purchasing the 2017 Canadian Outlook report.

This comprehensive special report explores the future of the Canadian dollar, share market (TSX), and real estate market based on Martin Armstrong’s models. Additionally, the report discusses the political actions of the Trudeau administration that will impact the Canadian economy moving forward.


Product Delivery:
Once your order is placed, the report(s) will be available for download via the confirmation page. In addition, you will have an order confirmation email delivered that will include a link to download the report. Please keep in mind, this is a limited use link to download the report, and the charge on your credit card may reference AE Global Solutions, Inc. (owner of Armstrong Economics).

For clarification, our reports are digital download – there will be NO hardcopy reports mailed. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, there are no refunds offered. Please consider this before you purchase.

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The Pension Crisis

Historically, families and marriage provided the security needed to support the elderly prior to the proliferation of pensions. As the population became more industrialized, private annuities rose in popularity with pensions resembling disability insurance. With the rise of socialism, pensions not only grew in popularity but replaced the family as support for the elderly. Unfunded pensions combined with poor demographics in which the elderly comprise a greater portion of the global population are leading to a situation that could cause the collapse of governments globally. The future for retirement is seriously in danger. The central banks are trapped and are unable to reverse course without admitting they have been dead wrong. 

Explore the origin of pensions and how their mismanagement has destroyed civilizations throughout history. This 87-page report also discusses the various factors that have contributed to the crisis, current fiscal policies, as well as why your 401(k) may be in danger. 


Product Delivery:
Once your order is placed, the report(s) will be available for download via the confirmation page. In addition, you will have an order confirmation email delivered that will include a link to download the report. Please keep in mind, this is a limited use link to download the report, and the charge on your credit card may reference AE Global Solutions, Inc. (owner of Armstrong Economics).

For clarification, our reports are digital download – there will be NO hardcopy reports mailed. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, there are no refunds offered. Please consider this before you purchase.

Thank you for your business!

2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD (90-Minute)

This DVD is a 90-minute version of the 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference with Martin Armstrong.

At this conference, Martin discusses the current Cycle of War and its impact on market trends as we move forward. Topics range from government spending, the gold outlook, to conflicts in the Ukraine. This is one of the most important conferences held by Martin, where he reviews events that will have a direct impact on the future.

This DVD is now available exclusively through Amazon.

Please click on the button below to purchase the 90-minute 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD through Amazon.