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There is something strange in the air. Are we to believe that what is occurring is simply the result of wildfires in Canada all occurring simultaneously? Official reports claim that droughts caused the conditions for the fires. Quebec said that the fires were ignited by lightning, Alberta admitted the cause of their fires is still […]

1540 Experts Agree There Is No Climate Emergency

There is no climate emergency. As I have been saying for years, the climate change agenda to end fossil fuels is merely a fraudulent cause intended to gain power. The Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) is an independent foundation founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok. “The […]

Climate Reparations

The United Nations proposed a new method to funnel money out of developed nations during the COP27 meeting – climate reparations. The United Nations is still negotiating who will pay what, but rest assured, the US will likely pay the most. President Biden fully supports the idea in addition to the $1 billion he was […]

Neocons – Climate Zealots – Ukrainian Neo-Nazis

QUESTION: Martin, I am now becoming confused as to who or what is the instigator of the major global war that is transpiring. You have made the point that the Climate Change Zealots and their claims to end fossil fuels are the cause for inciting WW III. However, you have also made claims that the […]

The Inflation Reduction Act – A Change We Don’t Believe In

President Biden agreed to waste billions on the Democrat-supported Inflation Reduction Act. According to a survey of 1,500 Americans as presented by the Epoch Times, neither Democratic nor Republican citizens believe this expensive act will combat rising prices. Respondents were asked if they believed that the bulk of the package, the $369 billion set aside […]

The Climate Crisis & More Propaganda

QUESTION: How can you be against climate change when every world leader has been convinced and 97% of all scientists say you are wrong? JL ANSWER: Climate always changes and it has done so for millions of years without soccer moms driving the kids in SUVs. It is just propaganda. Governments have adopted this as […]

Lost City Discovered & a Tablet That Changes History

Perhaps it is appropriate that by the end of this month we will have another Indiana Jones movie – the fifth and probably the last. Archaeologists have discovered a 3,000-year-old lost city that some have thought was just legend. This is the largest city ever discovered called “The Rise of Aten,” which was unearthed by […]

Manipulating Climate Data for a False Agenda

Climate Clock Erected in NYC To Further Propaganda

As part of this Climate Week in New York, intended to influence the US elections against Trump, they have created a clock to countdown the time remaining before we all die and it is too late to reverse climate change. The propaganda is the only way to stop this is to end fossil fuels and […]

Vertical Farming & Political Change

QUESTION: Hello Martin, Thank you for your articles; they are really valuable especially at this time. There’s a lot of ‘noise’ out there, so your information and clarity is vitally important. Well it’s clear that international supply chains have pretty much broken down. Going local seems to be the trend for the future. So that […]