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Cycles & Sports

Everything has a cycle. The difference between the Triple Crown and Villanova is that it was actually substantial. In the case of the Triple Crown, nobody won it in 31 years, and I was able to work out the cyclical pattern of the event. Each sports team has a different cycle. Therefore, in the case […]

Cycle of Peace

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, What does your program tell us about cycles of peace? Respectfully, SP ANSWER: Of course. The Cycle of Peace is the counter-trend of the Cycle of War, and like the Cycle of War, it is linked to the economy. War turns up when the economy turns down. I have always said when we are […]

Gravity Being Revealed & Cycles in the Mind

While we are living in a fictional world where we assume we can manipulate the outcome of our social economy, major advancements are being achieved in the real world of science that further demonstrates that the core of everything is its cyclical nature. Here is the latest discovery confirming gravity waves. The photo above is […]

The War Cycle Report

The 86-Year Cycle is All Around Us

COMMENT: Marty, you have done a fantastic job in teaching us to look and observe. I noticed your post on the monetary reform of Trajan in 107AD. You mention he demonetized all coinage prior to Nero’s debasement in 64AD. Wow, that was 43 years or half your 86 year monetary crisis cycle. When you look, […]

Plague Cycle: Moving into Peak 2017-2020

In the “Cycle of War” report, we mentioned in passing our models on plagues. We reported that this cycle nearly matched the war cycle coming in at 25.15 years. Unfortunately, this has turned up also in 2014. We warned that the Ebola virus was in a bullish trend and should reach a major event in 2019. Interestingly […]

Real Estate Cycles & International Value

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, your real estate cycle turned up from 1955. It does not match the Case-Shiller index which peaked in 1890s and bottomed in 1920 and then began to rally after 1940 into the 1955 period. Something seem strange with that index given the huge Florida real estate bubble which burst in 1927. Can you […]

Gravity Waves Discovered? Origin of Cycles?

Prof. Laurence Kraus is a well known theoretical particle physicist at the University of Arizona. With a short message on Twitter, Kraus caused a stir around the entire world: “My earlier rumor about LIGO [Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory] has been confirmed by independent sources. Stay tuned! Gravitational waves may have been discovered!! Exciting.” What’s […]

The War Cycle

In this report, we discuss the historic origin of the seemingly endless battle between the Sunnis and Shiites. We will discuss the varying beliefs between the two groups, as well as the sociologic and economic implications that continue to plague the region today.

This event may prove to be the start of a major international conflict that could potentially escalate into the next world war. This report will provide readers with a thorough understanding of the events unfolding in the Middle East, including how it may impact our future.


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The Cycles of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Conference March 21st, 2014

See Upcoming Conferences The Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference is an important event because this cycle on civil unrest is turning up with a vengeance. The combination of a Sovereign Debt Crisis and Economics has a long history of creating civil unrest of a grand scale. will include a special over-view of the Precious […]