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Climate Change = Military Strategy

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, As always, thank you so much for your incredible insight to what is happening in the world. You are the first news source I read in the morning because I know your site is always two steps ahead of everyone else! I wished to ask you about something you often reference: […]

Comment from Europe

COMMENT From Europe: There is another side to the pipeline explosions also. There is growing dissatisfaction among average Europeans over electricity prices and gas prices. Normal people that don’t have any connections with either Russia or Ukraine and do not care if Donbas and Crimea belong to Russia or any other nation. Europeans just want […]

West’s Desperate Play for War – Blowing Up The Pipelines

The sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipelines was most likely accomplished with US intelligence. Not only is the Biden Administration intent on ending fossil fuels, but this was a strategic maneuver on how to wage war. Just as adversaries would counterfeit each other’s currencies in a desperate measure to undermine their economy to strip them […]

Russian Anti-War Protests & the 3rd Generation

  After many discussions from both sides of the Ukrainian conflict, I believe that my observation of a generational shift is important. The cycle is always driven by a cyclical nature that, in part, is driven by changes in attitudes between generations. The anti-war protests in Russia rose from the youth over the Ukrainian war. […]

Queen Elizabeth – The Last of a True Constitutional Monarchy?

Monarchy is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom. Right up to the very last few days, Queen Elizabeth embodied the dignity of the British people and fulfilled her role as the impartial guardian of the people. In reality, the British monarchy represents the Head of State. The British Monarchy is known as […]

The New World – Alternative Order

Well, the Goldbugs are out in force claiming that Putin is creating a Moscow World Standard for gold. These people will never learn that their dream of some fixed gold standard has always collapsed throughout history. They have never played in the big leagues and consequently, they do not even understand the rules of the […]

The World According to Schwab?

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, First, thank you for all the wonderful work you do. I have been following your blog for many years and am always amazed at your insight and historical knowledge. I had a question regarding your assertion that the WEF/ Globalists will not win. I am assuming you mean that their vision […]

Market Talk – August 24, 2022

ASIA: Foreigners are returning to Indian stocks after dismissing them in the first half as they seek higher yields amid expectations that major central banks will slow their growth cycles as price pressures ease. Foreigners have invested $6.4 billion in Indian stocks since the start of July, after spending more than $27 billion in the […]

Bidenomics & Vilification of Trump

  QUESTION: The general view is that Trump has turned the Republican Party into his Party – Trumpism. You seem to support Trump. Would would respectfully explain why? DH ANSWER: This is a very clever tactic by the Democrats to try to turn Republicans against the Republican Party and to vote for the Democrats while […]

Sleepwalking into Our Own Demise

COMMENT: I was there on the staff of _____________ when you were on Capitol Hill. It was Dick Army who told you he could not support Bill Archer’s retail sales tax because when the Democrats gained power we would have a retail sales tax and an income tax. I found your piece on Europe sleepwalking […]