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Goldman Sachs v JP Morgan

QUESTION: You mentioned that Goldman Sachs can take down the entire banking sector. Do you see this correlating in the future? JF ANSWER: Here is Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. The first thing you will notice is that JP Morgan has been in a REAL bull market. Goldman has not. I am a firm believer […]

Goldman Sachs Going Down on the Pi Target?

The Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund sued Goldman Sachs on the Pi Target, Wednesday, November 21st, 2018,  for allegedly conspiring against the Middle Eastern fund to further a criminal scheme by Malaysia’s scandal-plagued 1MDB. The suit, filed in a New York court on behalf of Abu Dhabi’s International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), names Goldman Sachs […]

Abu Dhabi file suit Against Goldman Sachs for Criminal Fraud

The real curious thing is that the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund filed a lawsuit against Goldman Sachs precisely on the Pi Target Wednesday (Nov 21) for allegedly conspiring against the Middle Eastern fund to further a criminal scheme by Malaysia’s scandal-plagued 1MDB. So here we have the suit filed precisely on the Pi Target […]

Goldman Sachs – Preparing for Waterfall Event?

The rumor mill has been hot concerning Malaysia and Goldman Sachs for the past two years. As it was turning into a criminal investigation Lyod Blankfein coincidently decided to step down at age 63. That was announced last March when he said he would step down by the end of the year. Then in July, Blankfein […]

Gold & Bitcoin

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really encountered an insane goldbug who claimed you were paid off by the gold cartel to keep the price down. These people cannot open their eyes and see anything but gold or bitcoin. Then they argue the age of knowledge and bitcoin will become the new reserve currency. You really […]

Goldman Sachs – Criminal Charges at Last?

The U.S. Justice Department’s charges against individuals related to the pillaging of the Malaysia investment fund known as 1MDB offers several new insights into the global, multibillion-dollar scandal. But there is something the press is overlooking. The senior Goldman Sachs banker in Asia who pleaded guilty to U.S. bribery and money laundering charges and his deputy […]

Is Goldman Sachs Banning Staff From Donating to Republicans Again?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; the Democrats are raising far more money from the various big Super-Pacs to take back the Congress. The talk is the New York bankers are telling staff not to donate to Republicans. Do you know if this is true? SH ANSWER: The 2016 Presidential Election was a monumental game changer. Trump did not […]

Gold – Has it Just Died?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your Global Market Watch picked the high in the S&P as September and called for a waterfall on the monthly level. That was amazing. Yet, with the stock market crash, gold could not even rally above the previous week’s high. If the bonds look like death warmed over, equities crash, then surely gold […]

Gold is Turning Up with the Pi Target & may Rally into the Next 2020

Gold has broken out above the Downtrend Line and is poised to retest that going into the Pi turning point on the Economic Confidence Model target in November. If the market bounces off this technical support and rallies after the Pi turning point, then we should expect gold to rally to test the Yearly Bullish […]

Silver v Gold Standard

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You do not give much credence to the world returning to a gold standard. Didn’t the entire world use the gold standard before? Thank you for your input JK   ANSWER: The entire world has NEVER been on the gold standard simultaneously. Asia was on a silver standard while the West was on […]