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Sanders Beats Hillary in Wyoming; Trump Loses Colorado

Bernie Sanders continues to nip at Hillary’s heels and is preventing her from winning an uncontested coronation. Cruz beat Trump in Colorado but cannot possibly win the nomination. Cruz does not have the support among the elite Republicans who neither like nor trust him. Talk about a wild election. If Trump moves to Libertarian and […]

Soros & Many Hedge Funds Pouring Money into Hillary

Federal Election Commission records show that hedge fund billionaire George Soros donated $343,400 to the Hillary Victory Fund and poured a whopping $7 million into Priorities USA, the Super Pac supporting Hillary to further her occupation of the Oval Office. Donald Sussman of Paloma Partners also gave $343,400 to the Hillary Victory Fund and donated […]

13 Minutes of Hillary Lying The problem with politics is that we do NOT get what we pay for. This is why career politicians just have to go. They are professional liars on both sides of the aisle.  

Hillary’s Very Disturbing Emails Show Link to Google

Hillary’s emails revealed that Google was involved in trying to overthrow Assad. Hillary was communicating with Google and asking them to assist in the region. WikiLeaks has published a searchable archive of Clinton’s emails. It now turns out that Hillary Clinton’s team and one of the company’s executives conspired to create a detailed plan for Google to get […]

Republicans for Hillary Because Trump is not a Conservative? Really?

Republicans for Hillary are starting to emerge under the pretense that Donald Trump is not a “conservative,” if you can believe that one. There have been secret meetings behind closed curtains among the Republican elite. The story they will spin is that Trump is not a conservative and his anti-Mexican comments would hurt the party, so […]

Hillary Bullshits About Obamacare

My personal insurance costs under Blue Cross doubled. Absolutely everyone I have spoken to has had the same result. Here, a woman tells Clinton that the Democrats are out of touch. Her family of four had their healthcare costs “skyrocket” from $480 a month to $1,080 a month. This is causing a dramatic economic decline […]

The Two Faces of Hillary

QUESTION: Marty, do you think Hillary will just wipe us out when social security goes bust next year? ANSWER: Absolutely. I cannot think of anyone I regard as more dangerous for the economy than Hillary. She is a greedy socialist who applies Marxism to everyone but herself and friends. She says that government creates job; […]

Super Tuesday Results – Looks Like Trump v Hillary

The results from Super Tuesday. Is it too early to rule out the possibility of a third-party candidate?

Former Student Arrested for Late Student Loan Payments, Thanks to Hillary

FOX News reported that the U.S. Marshals Service in Houston is arresting people for failing to pay their outstanding federal student loans. Actually, Paul Aker, the subject of the Fox News report, failed to appear in court so the court sent U.S. Marshals to his home where he was arrested for a $1500 federal student loan he […]

Hillary & Goldman Sachs: A 20+ Year Relationship

Hillary refuses to explain, no less release, transcripts of her “speeches” for Goldman Sachs. What they paid Hillary for just three speeches is more than Bernie Sanders’ entire net worth after a long career. Here she is at the groundbreaking ceremony for Goldman Sachs’ $2.1 billion steel and glass building, equipped with giant murals, opera-house ceilings, […]