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Interest Rate & Currency Pegs

QUESTION: Martin, I went over three blogs this morning (both public and private); they are The FED Between a Rock & a Hard Place, Manipulating interest rates & Public vs Private Interest Rates. A common theme of the FED possibly pegging interest rates and inflation. My question is: If the FED is induced to peg […]

Socrates Progress Report

We are progressing in uploading all the memory modules. Soon, we will have all modules plugged in. I had an interesting meeting with one institution. One CFO still questioned if there was any human involvement in the reports. He said that the writing was too good for just a machine and assumed someone had to […]

Progress Report on Socrates Deployment

  We are loading in modules gradually now that we have at least gotten past the first deployment of a new delivery system. We are still working out the bugs on that delivery system part of which was outsourced to be constructed. The actual modules for the AI system are being introduced gradually to bring […]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposed to Raise Individual Tax Rates to 70%

I have warned that all the talk behind the curtain I was hearing when the Democrats won the House was that as soon as they go in, they would be looking at raising taxes to where they use to be back before Reagan. Well it did not take long. The new Congresswoman from New York […]

Why Does the Fed Need to Raise Rates?

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong I would like first to thank u for all the good information u give to us i have just a question : why do u write the fed need to increase rates to save the us pensionneers Not realy clear for me ( and maybe a lot of people) Thanks again […]

Merkel Extracted €2.9 billion in Interest from Greece

Angela Merkel promised the German people that she would not just hand Greeks money as she does with the refugee, no, she would make them pay dearly for allowing Goldman Sachs to structure deals to get them in the Eurozone. Indeed, she has kept her word. In response to a parliamentary question from the Green Party, […]

Debt is Only Money that Pays Interest

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I listened to your interview with Greg Hunter on USA Watchdog. For the first time, I really understand that debt is money that pays interest. That is the real money supply which is leveraged. It is the interest that keeps expanding the debt and forcing taxes higher and higher until it can’t expand anymore. […]

Warning About Funds Management Claiming to be Using Socrates

We do NOT recommend any particular person to be managing money. We do NOT provide buy or sell signals to any such public fund or individual money manager. We have routinely had our lawyers writing letters to people claiming to be using Socrates for managing money when in fact we have not even released any […]

Progress Report on Socrates Project

  This is an update of the Socrates Project. The outsourcing of front-end redesign is nearly complete. We are getting closer to release. This project has taken a lot more time than I ever thought possible. We had to replace staff who simply designed things around a database that was inefficient and not workable moving […]

Bundesbank Warns German Banks Rates are Moving Higher

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It appears that now the Bundesbank has adopted your view of rising interest rates. How fast do you see rates rising? PY ANSWER: Yes, the Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann has come out and warned that banks should start to make provisions for interest rate risks associated with rising interest rates. The normalization of the […]