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Illinois to Impose 1% Property Tax on Top of Everything Annually for 30 Years

  In Illinois is a State that should just commit suicide and be emerged into surrounding states. It is following the EXACT pattern as the fall of the city of Rome itself. Constantine the Great moved the Roman capital from Rome to Constantinople around 330AD. Rome lost its status as corruption and taxes rose. More and […]

BIG BANG is Here and Ticking

QUESTION:  Dear Marty, due to 5,000-year lows in interest rates, in 2011 the US was able to triple the debt but keep the payments the same as in 1998. With interest rates rising (but still historically low) in 2017 the US paid the highest interest payment on the debt in history. Could you please elaborate […]

The Coming Pi Target – Will it Bring World War III?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Putin invaded Syria precisely on the day of your model back in 2015.75. You have stated at the WEC that the upcoming Pi turning point on November 21, 2018, is most often political in nature. You scheduled this year’s WEC for the week before. Trump just called Assad an animal. Even […]

If Computers Replaced Politicians – Could it Get Any Worse?

COMMENT: I really do not know what it’s gonna take for you to get the Noble Price for something. Your computer is amazing. The market crashes the week of the 19th. Here in NYC we have been buried in snow and even CNN has reported we have never seen this much snow in 130 years. Your […]

Left v Right – Why the Western Society is Really Collapsing

    QUESTION: Hi Marty, we just saw the German elections play out. For Germany, this is a huge move to the left – at least in government. They also say that Europe will be strongly supported. I guess that means shoveling money to Brussels and raising it via more and more taxes. Now, I researched […]

CalPERS on the Brink of Insolvency

  The largest public pension fund in the United States is the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) for civil servants. California is in a state of very serious insolvency. We strongly advise our clients to get out before it is too late. I have been warning that CalPERS was on the verge of insolvency. I […]

California in Peril

California is trying to scheme to circumvent the Trump Tax Reform which limits deductions to $10,000 in state taxes from their federal returns. Of course, the California press portrays this as punishment for voting for Hillary. But they support higher taxes as long as they get to deduct them from the Feds, which has been […]

Jerome Powell – Next Fed Chair

QUESTION: Powell is from the Carlyle Group which people say you advised. Do you know Powell? What do you think of his agenda? Will you be advising him? PD ANSWER: No, I never met Jerome Powell. Our contacts with the Carlyle Group I am not at liberty to confirm or deny with regard to any […]

Snow in the Sahara Desert – 3rd Time in 37 years

Last year, the snow appeared in Spain wiping out the crops and causing rationing of vegetables. This year the snow went down even further and crossed into Algeria covering the desert. So while the Global Warming people are desperate to explain weather as caused by humans, we are ignoring the cycle of the sun which […]

Europe’s Economic Death Spiral

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said when you were here in Berlin that the EU Commission is about as incompetent as the US Congress. You also said Macron is trying to federalize Europe as the solution Could you elaborate on that comment? ANSWER: The EU Commission at present is composed of 28 Commissioners, who must always ensure […]