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The Euro

The Daily Bullish in the cash Euro for today’s close are 12977 and 13134. The Weekly Bullish are 13134 and 13433. This corresponds with the top of the technical channels. The monthly levels also show the first resistance at 13140 and 13370. We also have some closing resistance technically at 12996. The Euro on the momentum […]

The Euro is Dead – Long Live the Dollar

Our phones have been in meltdown mode and sleep has been rarer than gold around here. Whatever politicians could do to screw up the world, trust me, they are diligently at work to accomplish that goal even ahead of schedule. The logic coming from the ECB, France, and Germany leaves a lot to be desired. […]

The Euro is DEAD – Long Live the Cyprus POUND

I have gotten off the phone with contacts in Cyprus. Everything is getting very scary. Politicians in Brussels and Germany are clueless. They assume that since they have the power to enact a law, the people will just follow it without repercussions. It does not work like that and they have crossed the line into the […]

The Euro & the Cyprus Crisis

The Cyprus Crisis has the potential to send the dollar soaring. The Euro has fallen to 128.27 intraday holding at the Weekly Bearish Reversal at 128.24 on spot. April & May were to be high volatility periods. A closing below 1583 in gold will also start to warn of a dollar rally. See: Cyprus & […]

Cyprus & the Euro

Copyright March 26th, 2013 All Rights Reserved We are on the verge of a real crack in the Euro. So far the intraday low is 128.27 on the spot and we have a Weekly Bearish Reversal at 128.24 with a GAP down to 121.37.  As always, the political forces and academic factions are unfamiliar with […]

Understanding the Euro and the Chaos it is Unleashing in the World Economy

Understanding the Euro And the Chaos it is Unleashing in the World Economy                                               Copyright October 28th, 1997 By Martin A. Armstrong There appears to be great confusion among not merely the public sector officials, […]

The Rise & Fall of the Euro

Copyright August 21st, 2011 Please register for Special Updates and Please send comments and suggestions to ArmstrongEconomics.COM Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved  This Report may be forwarded as you like without charge to individuals or governments around the world. It is provided as a Public Service at this time without cost because of […]

The Euro Outlook 1996-1997

 European Monetary Union – the fate of Europe © Princeton Economic Institute 1997 [Overview] [Latest News] [Previous Updates] [London Lecture] [Criteria] [Time Table] [Country Analysis] [Maastricht-Treaty] [History] [Currency Forecasts] Welcome to the PEI research site devoted to keeping the financial community up to date on the pending new European Monetary Union and its impact upon the […]

The Euro Impact – Exporting Deflation

The Berlin World Economic Conference December 1st & 2nd is shaping up to be a major event. Our focus will be the Euro and since we warned that the Euro monetary system was unsustainable as designed and the European Commission even attended our World Economic Conference in London to listen to our warnings, the pressure […]

The Euro Impacted Everything Including Gold

When I was invited by the Central Bank of China to Beijing after the 1997 Asian Currency Crisis, I was told to please continue to try to explain what was taking place in the world economy because I was the only independent analyst with worldwide experience. For you see, had you been able to ask […]