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Clinton Foundation to be Investigated At Last

  All good things come to an end and this just may be the beginning of the long last decline and fall of the Clintons and their inherent corruption. The House subcommittee this week will convene a politically charged investigative hearing into the Clinton Foundation. Then President Trump is nominating former Attorney General William Barr to […]

The Coming Political Siege Warfare of 2019

  As I have warned, the next two years are going to be an outright political siege warfare. Far more damage will be done to the United States and the world economy in this desperate attempt for the Democrats to retake the White House in 2020. Congress will launch its investigation of Trump’s role in Cohen’s […]

Weather Channel Declares November Coldest in 50 years

The Weather Channel just declared that North America just had its most extensive November snow cover in at least a Half-Century. We really face Global Cooling as this is now the third winter which this is becoming the colder with each passing year. It is serious that the emphasis on Global Warming is distracting society to […]

Comey & Lynch Subpoenaed Before Republicans Leave

The Battle is On. The House Republicans issued subpoenas to former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch before the Democrats take control. House Republicans subpoenaed Comey who had previously refused to testify privately and instead asked for a public hearing. Republicans have been investigating the FBI and Justice Department’s decision-making in 2016 and 2017. They are […]

Gordian III Æ Sestertii

A lot a people wanted a bronze Roman Sestertius. We sold out of all the issues. The only one I had more of was those of Gordian III. This was an interesting emperor for Gordian III is where we find the last silver denarius to be issued in any quantity. Following his assassination, the dominant […]

Germany’s Most Beautiful Policewoman Told to Be a Cop or a Model

One of the clear cultural differences between Europe and the United States is that they even have the “hottest” female police officer – Adrienne Koleszar. That is something they just would not do in the United States. We hold Senate hearings because Janet Jackson’s breast popped out on TV at the Super Bowl. It is interesting […]

Denmark to Banish the Worst Problem Refugees on a Tiny Island

Denmark plans to house the country’s most unwelcome foreign refugee who has caused problems in a most unwelcoming place they could find – Lindholm Island. It is a tiny, hard-to-reach island that now holds the laboratories, stables, and crematory of a center for researching contagious animal diseases. They are planning to house up to 100 […]

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Replaces Merkel

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer was elected by the CDU party congress in the second ballot by a narrow majority to the new CDU chairmen. Kramp-Karrenbauer received 51.75% of the delegate votes, Friedrich Merz 48.25% of the vote. Jens Spahn was eliminated after the first ballot. Therefore, the CDU has sealed its fate. Kramp-Karrenbauer will maintain the policies of […]

Merkel Says Goodbye as Leader of CDU

Merkel said goodbye at the CDU meeting today. She intends to remain as Chancellor until 2021. However, the victor will be positioned to succeed Merkel as chancellor and influence whether she stays or bows out before her term ends in 2021. Although Merkel is widely known for her caution and changing positions with her internal poll […]

Having Children causes Global Warming as the leading cause of 58.6%

I understand some people just don’t want to believe that all this Global Warming is a ploy because they know the bulk of society is just too stupid or naive to understand they are being manipulated. A number of people do not want to believe the secret agenda is to reduce population growth. Here it is […]