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Market Talk – July 23, 2020

ASIA: China has criticized the Trump Administration’s order to shut the Chinese consulate in Houston as an attempt to shift the blame for its failures ahead of the November election, according to state media editorials published on Thursday. China’s foreign ministry, which is threatening “countermeasures,” the Chinese Embassy in Washington said, “We urge the US […]

Justice on the Supreme Court

COMMENT: I suppose you support Trump and stuffing the court with more conservative judges! PN REPLY: Sorry, I do not fit your predetermined mold. I am a strict constructionist. If it is not in the Constitution, it is not valid. The Constitution is NEGATIVE, not positive. What you think are constitutional rights are actually NEGATIVE […]

Market Talk – July 22, 2020

ASIA: The US has ordered China to close its consulate in Houston, Texas, by Friday — a move described as “political provocation” by Beijing. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the decision was taken because China was “stealing” intellectual property. China’s foreign ministry condemned the move on Twitter, saying its embassy in Washington had […]

Was Genoa the Best form of Government?

Genoa 1481 COMMENT: Dear Martin, Thank you for your work. It is not anymore about the economy but about surviving through the mayhem that is on the horizon. Thank you for doing your part in sharing what you know, for being bold and for not bending. I was taught to go after ” independent thinking” and […]

Market Talk – July 21, 2020

ASIA: China has warned the UK that it will “bear the consequences” if it continues to go “down the wrong road” on Hong Kong after the UK suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong over a new security law that gives Beijing more power. A Chinese ambassador in London said, “China has never interfered in […]

Nobody Will Accept the 2020 Election Result

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Socrates deserves a Nobel Prize for it is the only thing to forecast so many trends correctly. Now the news is that Trump may not accept the election results. I have followed you for years. You are certainly not one of these people who make one forecast and run ads as the […]

Market Talk – July 20, 2020

ASIA: China is considering retaliating against the Chinese operations of two major European telecommunication-equipment manufacturers, Nokia Corp. and Ericsson AB, should European Union members follow the lead of the US and UK in barring China’s Huawei Technologies Co. from 5G networks, a major online news agency reported. China’s Ministry of Commerce is mulling export controls […]

Market Talk – July 17, 2020

ASIA: China has accused the Trump administration of being “very pathetic” amid reports that Washington is considering a sweeping visa ban on Communist party members. Donald Trump is reportedly reviewing a proposal to refuse entry for all members of China’s ruling party – which encompasses a who’s who of the political and business elite in […]

Trend in Interest Rates

COMMENT: Marty, Good morning. Repo rates have been creeping up ever so slightly and quietly. Points wise not much, but percentage-wise, numbers are getting bigger. Has everybody been lulled to sleep and looking the wrong way again? Best, E REPLY: The shift from a Public to a Private wave is in full motion. We can […]

Market Talk – July 16, 2020

ASIA: China’s economy returned to growth in the second quarter after a deep slump at the start of the year, but unexpected weakness in domestic consumption underscored the need for more policy support to bolster the recovery after the shock of the coronavirus crisis. Gross domestic product (GDP) rose 3.2% in the second quarter from […]