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Sorting the Nonsense & Prejudices from the Truth of Reality

COMMENT #1: Mr. Armstrong; I want to say thank you so much. I am not sure you are even aware of how right you have been during this entire debacle and I am not referring to just your forecast of the decline in the stock market which saved my future. While everyone was regurgitating the […]

Did John Hopkins University Deliberately Create a Financial Panic?

John Hopkins has aided in creating this panic with their graphics which gives the impression that all of Europe and China are infected. They have visually greatly exaggerated the spread of this virus and appear to be enjoying the havoc they have caused, as if this were some video game. The total population of China […]

Neil Ferguson Appears before Parliament

Neil Ferguson appears before Parliament to explain why they were wrong. “We based our recommendation on early data from China saying 20% of those infected would end up in critical care” The Oxford Study showed than one in a thousand would require hospitalization. They actually used the data rather than guessing.

Market Talk – March 26, 2020

ASIA: India announced an economic stimulus package worth $22.5 billion on Thursday to help millions of low-income households cope with a 21-day lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak. The package will be disbursed through food security measures for poor households and through direct cash transfers to the beneficiaries’ bank accounts directly. India banned exports of […]

Is Bloomberg Behind the John Hopkins University Virus Map that Has Scared the World?

Some people have wondered who is behind the John Hopkins University map. Is there a political connection or is this just academic incompetence? I believe it clearly warrants investigation. The people behind this graphic should be hauled into the Senate under subpoena. What they have done with a misleading graphic is virtually overthrowing all human […]

Market Talk – March 25, 2020

ASIA: India’s informal sector which comprises of approx. 1 million daily wage workers (mainly working in the construction sector) may face a big problem after the country went into a complete lockdown for 21 days. Many Indian states have announced packages ranging from 1K INR to 5k INR to support the daily wage workers but […]

The WEC & Networking

COMMENT #1: Martin attending the WEC for 4 years now has been the greatest PHD program, in reality, one could ever get.  And the most important thing you have taught me is, “We are all connected.”  It’s no accident that the trees in the fall look like a frozen lightning bolt, our veins, the pattern […]

Managing Money v Teaching You How to Survive

QUESTION: Marty, they have always called you the Legend. You have proved that you are probably the greatest trader that ever existed. You not only have choreographed when the correction would start, but you have held our hand through this entire decline. Again you said the market would decline into the 23 of March and […]

Market Talk – March 24, 2020

ASIA: India announced a nationwide lockdown starting at midnight to contain the novel coronavirus. The duration of the lockdown will be 21 days. India also announced 21.5 million USD of fund allocation to strengthen the health infrastructure in the country. The total cases of coronavirus have surpassed 500 in India. India’s central bank, the Reserve […]

The Democrat’s Plot Against Americans

The coup that has been waged from the left against the right is an all-out global political war. They succeeded in bringing Germany to its knees and surrender its culture of austerity. Here in the United States, the Democrats have coordinated with these dark forces seeking not only same-day registration to allow illegal aliens to […]