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The 2015.75 Crisis Moving into 2020.05

The world financial crisis that is unfolding post-2015.75 is different from that which followed the 2007.15 peak in the ECM. As stated countless times, each event is a crisis in a different sector. The 2007.15 crisis was the over-leverage in real estate that the bankers created. This time, we are looking at the demise of […]

The End of Global Warming — the New Ice Age — Bundle Up!

I have received emails from people who claim global warming exists and I am in denial. To start, all of the studies that claim there is global warming end with the 19th century. The sun has a documented 300-year cycle between maximum and minimum energy output. It is a thermodynamic system, meaning the energy must fluctuate or […]

The Sixth Wave

QUESTION: Marty; You do realize you correctly forecast the takeover boom and the reversal in trend in 1985 followed by the peak of Japan to the day and the fall of communism with your 1989.95 peak in the ECM. Then with 1998.55 you forecast the collapse of Russia and were named hedge fund manager of […]

Forecast from the Berlin WEC: Europe the Focal Point

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I attended the Berlin Conference. I must say, I am impressed. You said Europe was the problem and this is still unfolding with every passing day. I understand this was not you personally. This is the computer. It can really project the future long term. That is what you were forecasting. I […]

Kondratieff Wave: Interesting But Different From the ECM

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I am just getting started in studying cycles. Someone said you just bumped into the Kondratieff Wave. Your works seems entirely different. Did the K-Wave have any influence on you? Thanks ANSWER: Sadly, the Kondratieff wave, commonly known as the K-Wave, is used for things it was not based upon. Moreover, there were […]

Hillary & the Email Conspiracy that even Taints Obama

I previously reported on June 15, that Russia hacked Hillary’s emails. That is now starting to surface in the press, but naturally outside the USA where the press is more interested in attending her coronation. The notorious Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation was among the targets of Russian hackers. There is no question about […]

Rebellions: Public v Private Waves

QUESTION: Sir, Pondering the patterns that you have found in history, I have been mulling over the crossroads that lie in front of us in the next few years. You noted that sovereign debt crises occur about every 86 years or so. You also noted that civil disturbance goes hand in hand with those events. […]

BREXIT – One of Four Anti-Establishment Elections

  Many comments and emails are pouring in that our model correctly forecast BREXIT years in advance. Here is the picture for the next big chaos period — the US Presidential Election in November.  You can see that 3 out of 4 models show a Republican victory. Two of these show 60%+, which is unheard […]

US Share Market for the Closing of June 24, 2016 Post-BREXIT

The Dow has fallen in a knee-jerk reaction to BREXIT, which really is hype thanks to politicians. The gains for Britain are clear. It escapes the forced immigration and it escapes from EU draconian regulation. It is effectively the same as the American Revolution where the slogan was “no taxation without representation,” and the EU structure […]

BREXIT Wins — The Panic has Subsided as Reality Returns

  Exactly on our cyclical model, the UK voted to leave the EU (52% to 48%) in a historic referendum after 43 years (half 8.6). David Cameron has announced he will resign as prime minister in October, and all one can say is good riddance. Cameron is stepping down despite the fact that 84 Eurosceptic Tory MPs […]