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Rise & Fall of the CPI

The Rise & Fall of the Consumer Price Index © Martin A. Armstrong It is often said that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Oddly enough, the same can be said of inflation. You will undoubtedly read headlines which state that inflation is under control. You will also read of analysts who continue to […]

British Inflation & The Labour Party

British Inflation & The Labour Party © Martin A. Armstrong The boom which has been underway in Great Britain can only be described as impressive. By any logical political reckoning, the opposition Labour Party ought to be starting to climb back to its former greatness on such issues as inflation, rising interest rates and the largest […]


Battle between Knowledge & Prejudice (A look at the field of economic analysis) British Inflation & Labor Party (A warning to Bank of England) Changing Monetary Policy: (A look at the failures of the Keynesian Model) Rise & Fall of the CPI (A look at how government manipulates inflation statistics) Crisis in Democracy (A look […]

The Reversal System

The Reversal System: A 20-Year Case Study Theory-Design-Implementation © Martin A. Armstrong Perhaps the most important discovery made here at Princeton was the simple fact that market price and economic movement is anything but random. This is a very powerful statement because you will be hard pressed to find many who would agree with us on […]

Market Myths

Market Myths © Martin A. Armstrong There are numerous myths within the market which encompass everything from stocks and interest rates to gold and oil. Indeed, one could easily write a 1,000 page book on this subject, cataloguing all these “rules of the game”. By far the most widely hailed myth is the so–called relationship of […]

Delphi Technique

The Delphi Technique © Martin A. Armstrong There are many forms of analysis and even more forms of mathematical forecasting equations — all determined to predict the future course of mankind. As discussed in the previous edition, judgmental forecasting still remains the dominant form of analysis employed not only by the financial community, but also throughout […]

Alternating Influences

Alternating Influences of World Capital Flows Upon Domestic Market Movements © Martin A. Armstrong Immediately following the Crash of 1987 we warned that our computer models were showing that the entire affair was nothing but a wild short-term correction, similar to that of 1924. We stated in our reports, as well as in numerous seminars throughout […]


Alternating Influences (Of world capital flows and its impact on investment trends in all countries) Delphi Technique (Delphi approach to forecasting) Hedge vs Spec (How hedgers and speculators should use our models differently) How to Hedge Real Estate (A look at a very difficult problem of hedging real estate assets) Judgmental Forecasting (Why fundamental analysis […]

Kondratieff, ND

Nickolai D. Kondratieff (1892 – 1938) Nikolai Dmyitriyevich Kondratieff (1892-1938) was a Russian economist. Following the 1917 Russian Revolution, Kondratieff was an economics professor who was called upon by the new government to create the first Soviet Five-Year-Plan. Kondratieff was thus given the opportunity to draw the economic plan for Russia he assumed upon a […]

Is Paper Money Constitutional?

Copyright Martin A. Armstrong, all right reserved March 18th, 2012 Please register for Special Updates ArmstrongEconomics.COM / Princeton Economic Institute Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved  Disclaimer: Futures, Options, and Currency trading all have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept […]