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Market Talk- September 1, 2018

The refreshing news that the US and Canada had reached an agreement, that would replace NAFTA, encouraged markets across the world today. Starting in Asia the Nikkei managed to add +0.5% even as Confidence (a Bank of Japan statistic) declined yet again. However, the Nikkei rally was at the expense of the Yen, which late […]

Market Talk- September 28, 2018

The Nikkei led the pack for Asia rallying 1.6% before a setback at the close. However, given the slight dip it still managed a 1.36% return raising the index to its highest since January. Ypu would have to go back to 1991 to see the Nikkei at these levels, but obviously it is and probably […]

Market Talk- September 27, 2018

The FED did not set the pace for Asian trading, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell did in the Q+A afterwards. The comment that all are referring to today was the FED’s inflation outlook. Guess you really have to ask the question, ‘Have they ever got it right’? The set-up for Asia was not great, with confidence […]

Market Talk- September 26, 2018

A better and more constructive day all around for Asian equities as most markets reopened (S. Korea still off) for business. With both the Shanghai and Hang Seng opening firmer, a steady trend developed to return 1% for both indices. Remarks overnight from US President Donald Trump failed to assist US trading or external commitment, […]

IMF Warns Britain not Brussels About Hard Exit – Another Political Forecast

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have tracked the IMF forecasts alongside yours and it clearly appears that they are mimicking you very closely. However, something strange has taken place, for now, their latest warning it seems to be politically motivated. Lagarde warns that the U.K. economy will contract with a hard Brexit. Is this coming from […]

Market Talk- September 24, 2018

The uncertainty continues for China/US trade talks, but this time because China cancelled the talks. It didn’t help sentiment that some core markets (China and Japan) were closed for public holidays which always hits trading volumes. The Hang Seng opened weaker and just appeared to flat-line for the balance of the day, closing down around […]

Uncertainty is the Mother of Volatility

QUESTION: Well you called this year the political year from hell. You got that one right again. Between trying to figure out the politics in the US, we have Britain in turmoil and Italy trying to figure out if they should stay or go. Hungary becoming more defiant and Sweden swinging to the right. You […]

Directional Changes & the Worst in 40-Years

QUESTION: Marty; Your directional changes are amazing. They signal a change but it can be a turn as well as a sudden blast to the upside. You also mention that this is the worst you have ever seen personally in 40 years on the private blog. Could you elaborate? Thank you for being here. There are […]

The Treasure Fleet that Sunk & Set in Motion the Decline of Spain

There is little doubt that Spain was once the Financial Capital of the West. Their discovery of America produced mountains of gold and silver to the point that they really impacted the European economy creating significant waves of inflation. However, there was the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714) which was why the famous Spanish […]

Theresa May Taking Britain Down with the EU Ship?

The talk in the city of London is that there is now a rising chance that Theresa May will be gone perhaps by November or by Christmas at the latest. About 50 conservative MPs have been thoroughly fed up with the PM. The split she has caused in the Conservative Party has certainly put the British […]