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The Coming Mortgage Panic Set-Off By Swiss

During the 1980s, Australians were hit hard as banks had sold them mortgages in Swiss francs to save them on interest rates. The next shoe to fall is the Swiss Franc Mortgage Panic that will be part of 2015.75. Countless homeowners outside of Switzerland have been sold mortgages in Swiss francs. They will now see […]

Gold – The January Pop – On Schedule?

  Back in December, we warned that gold would produce a pop and that the main resistance was in the 1250-1275 level. We now need a closing ABOVE 1250.50 tomorrow to confirm a further advance is possible. This is part of the interconnections. This forecast for a pop in gold into January was not “opinion” […]

Swiss Peg Collapses – The Euro’s Nightmare

On September 6th, 2011 the Swiss National Bank (SNB) was aiming for a substantial and sustained weakening of the Swiss franc after Swiss companies threatened to leave because the rising franc reduced their exports. The SNB would no longer tolerate a EUR/CHF  exchange rate below the minimum rate of CHF 1.20. The SNB set out to […]

Swiss Abandon Peg to Euro – The Euro is Dead – Long Live the Swissy

The Swiss franc has risen by almost 30pc against the euro after the central bank shocked global markets by abandoning its long-standing peg to the euro imposed in 2011. The Swiss had no choice. They have been buying Euro at alarming amounts as smart money bet the Swiss would be far better at the end […]

European Leaders Mourn Death of the Euro?

  One of our readers made this photo to reflect another aspect of reality. The lack of political free speech in the European financial community led to analysts creating a code word for Greece leaving the Eurozone –  GREXIT. They we forbidden to write about or even mention the possibility of anyone leaving the Euro, […]

The BitCoin Crash

The crash in BitCoin losing about 50% of its value since July, has been on the back of concerns that the State of New York would regulate Bitcoins. In a speech at Cardozo Law School in New York on Tuesday night, Benjamin Lawsky, the superintendent of financial services for the state of New York, stated […]

Opinion v Capital Flow Analysis

Over the past three years, I have received countless emails about how I am wrong and if it were not for me commodities would rise. These nasty comments are typical from someone who wishes to live in denial and pretend that their OPINION is correct and that the world is wrong – never them. My […]

OPEC is Dead – Long Live the Free Markets?

OPEC is really dead. These countries have been expanding their budgets assuming oil will only rise. Therefore, they now need the money and will increase production to meet the budget requirements. The UAE confirmed that OPEC will no longer move to shore up crude prices. The UAE instead said that the rising North American shale […]

The Political March in Paris is a Photo Staged OP

  Now the real image   No way would they march in the open. Good propaganda though.

Paris Attack = Next Excuse to Ban Encryption Altogether

David Cameron. PM of Britain, wants to block WhatsApp and Snapchat if he wins the next election, as part of his plans for new surveillance. Britain will lead the charge to outlaw encryption altogether when Britain has been walking hand-in-hand with the NSA. They are using this latest event precisely as they used 911 to […]