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France Has the Highest Tax Rate in the Industrialized World & Worst Investment Record in Europe

What is really amazing is how governments just fail to comprehend that revolution is instigated by corruption and taxes. Nevertheless, they just can’t help themselves. They have to keep taking cookies from the jar until it is empty and then act surprised when the people suddenly rise up. France tops the list of the highest taxed […]

California to Tax Texting from Your Phone

California is proposing now to tax every text message you do on your phone. I have constantly warned after dealing with governments first hand for over 30 years, they NEVER see the problem as being them – it is always we the people. Their fiscal mismanagement is beyond repair and we should not expect anything […]

Global Warming Enthusiasts are really believers of the Malthusian Trap – Modern Witch Doctor Analysis

COMMENT: Dear Martin, You have pointed out several times that the agenda behind the global warming crowd is, besides taxes, also the reduction of the global population. Initially, I had difficulties believing in this “crazy conspiracy theory”, but I start to believe you could be right. Where I live, The Netherlands, the brainwashing machine to convince […]

BREXIT and the Chaos Unleashed by Prime Minister May

  The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the UK can unilaterally cancel its withdrawal from the EU at any time and that will not be subject to a vote by other EU member states. This is a non-binding opinion that was delivered by an advocate general of the European Court of Justice. The […]

Michael Avenatti Has been Raising Money from the Public to Fund his Actions which is now Under Investigation

Stormy Daniels has come out and publicly stated that Michael Avenatti launched a site to raise money for her defense which pays him without her permission. The campaign raised $600,000 and she has also stated that she has no idea what happened to that money. CrowdJustice said it is now investigating what Avenatti did and now […]

Is the #MeToo Movement Creating a Concrete Ceiling for Women not Glass?

The number one talk behind the curtain going around is the #MeToo movement after the Christine Blasey Ford confrontation against Brett Kavanaugh. The outright slander and lies that were hurled at Kavanaugh have done far more damage to women as a whole than mainstream media cares to talk about. The advice coming down for professional men is to distance themselves […]

Do Coins Reveal the Futility of our Times?

The study of coins, numismatics, has constantly expanded our knowledge of antiquity in recent decades through new discoveries which have proven so many old theories wrong and turned academics on their head when it comes to their theories. Without the consideration of the coins, many questions of ancient history would never be answered. Nevertheless, many […]

Will the 2020 Presidential Election be the Most Violent in American History?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thanks to you I am paying closer attention to what people are saying in politics these days. It seems to be that this was not a Blue Wave they were waging but a Blue War. It is very disturbing to see the hatred is still brewing against anyone who just wants to be […]

New Variety in the Athenian Owls

  The hoard of Athenian Owl tetradrachms has revealed something incredibly important. The seminal work of Chester Starr (Athenian Coinage) identified five groups of designs covering the period 480-407BC. While Starr examined known coins in museums and collections, he did show photographs and attributed them to a declining quality of execution based upon the fact that […]

Democrats Poised to Launch a Range of Political Probes Against Trump & Russia

The next two years will do more to undermine the trust, confidence, and faith in government as the Democrats launch their political agenda to try to smear Trump for the 2020 Presidential election. It is all about them just winning in 2020 and to hell with the government, the nation, or the people. The Democrats […]