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The Looting Begins as Stores Close

Looting begins whenever there is a crisis of this nature and stores are ordered to close, such as during hurricanes or earthquakes. In Panama, the looting has begun. There are 200 cases of the virus in Panama, and most reported cases appear to be imported by travelers. Many places are refusing to test people unless […]

Is this a Staged Political Coup on a Grand International Level?

COMMENT: Hi Marty, No one has been more spot on before the deluge than you in calling these moves. Have you ever seen such idiocy in all your life as is on full display today with these politicians jockeying for position, cramming their pet projects into the bailouts and trying to without support for funding while the […]

Market Talk – March 23, 2020

ASIA: In an effort to counter the coronavirus outbreak in the country, 75 districts across India, including major cities such as the capital New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Kolkata have been placed under travel, work, and movement restrictions until March 31. So far, India has reported 415 active cases of coronavirus, including 7 […]

Anti-Semitism, Christianity, Confiscating Assets, Banking Conspiracies & Capitalism

QUESTION: You seem to always be against conspiracy theories except that it always comes down to government against the people. Why are most of the bankers Jewish? Do you have an explanation for that? JE ANSWER: If you simply knew your history you would realize that both the Catholics and the Arabs maintained it was […]

Nanotechnology & the Next Soldier

Both the United States and China have been in a new military arms race that has not made the headlines. While there are all sorts of conspiracy theories running around that the coronavirus was engineered by China’s weapon’s lab as a biological weapon, the real advancements never seems to gather attention. Both the USA and […]

Is Anthony Fauci the Destroyer of Worlds?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you very much for your dedication and hard-work educating those people that are willing to listen. Thank you for being here with us during these turbulent times and being that beacon of light we need so desperately. When do you foresee this chaos to end? People are afraid and are acting really […]

TAX CRS Reporting & Why The European Flight to the Dollar

QUESTION: Marty, To those of us in the eurozone who own physical gold, what would you suggest to do? Thanks for keeping your human heart. Kind regards, KVS ANSWER: I believe you may start to see this idea floated in the press next week. It will probably be voluntary at first. I do not believe […]

Is it Even Possible to Predict a 10-Year Plan?

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, I have been following your blog since I saw The Forecaster four years ago. Last fall, I was fortunate enough to attend the WEC in Orlando. I did my best to keep up with the information presented, but it was a lot, fast. Nonetheless, I am a more informed person for attending. […]

Is the Virus Being Used to Usher-In a Police State in Different Parts of the World?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong NOW in Italy – use of drones by municipalities to CONTROL citizen and their movements – you are allowed to exit from home only for go to supermarkets, chemistry, or walk with yr dog. Police could stop you n check and if you are out of yr home for a walk, they […]

Market Talk – March 20, 2020

ASIA: The total number of coronavirus cases in India has climbed to 195 after over 35 new cases emerged from the various parts of the country. This marks the highest number of reported cases in a single day. At present, there are 171 active coronavirus patients in the country, according to the data released by […]