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Comment From France – Pending Rise in French Political Chaos

COMMENT: Hello Mr Armstrong, Well, now it’s official : the french government has banned a massive trade unions demonstration that was supposed to take place tomorrow in Paris. So a socialist government did what has never taking place since 1962, during the Algerian War. It is very significant because it’s a left leaning government that […]

Constructing a Future

Our models have been targeting 2018 for the last 30 years as the first potential year for a monetary crisis and reform. There was a shot that we could have doubled the Dow and everything would have bottomed on the first potential, such as gold in 2013 to 2014, and then turn up into that […]

The EU is Determined to Ensure BREXIT Will Not Succeed

Another case of fraudulent voting to save the EU has occurred in the Austrian election. The Austrian Constitutional Court has revealed outrageous “errors” to the point that votes were simply regarded as non-binding recommendations. The investigations continue, but this reflects the desperate attempt to save Brussels at the expense of all of Europe. Allowing the people to vote […]

Approaching Britain’s Final Hour of Independence

The FTSE share market index for London has long reflected the problem with the EU. Despite the lies and propaganda that the EU has been some great miracle for Britain, the low in the FTSE took place in 1974. There was a fierce bear market in the FTSE that fell into a sharp low AFTER […]

It Snowed in Hawaii?

Europe is experiencing a very cold summer. Meanwhile, believe it or not, there was a dusting of snow reported at Mauna Kea in Hawaii, according to the National Weather Service, on June 14. We are heading into, not global warming, but a natural cycle of climate change that comes about every 300 years or so. […]

1800 was Almost the Second American Revolution

Political rivalry in the United States has been taking place since 1800 when the clash between the Federalists and the Jeffersonians pushed the political body of the nation to the point where it teetered on the brink of a second American Revolution. This clash of the Titans was sparked when the Federalists were about to lose power. […]

BREXIT Report Now Available

The propaganda to keep Britain in the EU is highly dangerous and an outright fraud upon the British people. On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to exit (BREXIT) the European Union. The outcome of this historic vote will determine Britain’s future. This is an incredibly important vote for it will determine […]

Reviewing The Dow Arrays

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, I have been the ultimate skeptic for so many claimed analysts give an opinion and that is really it. I have kept track of your arrays on the weekly Dow. I understand why the government wanted your model. Your model really works. Your array posted last October 16 picked the November high amazingly. […]

“BREXIT” Report Provides the Truth about Remaining in the EU

The propaganda to keep Britain in the EU is highly dangerous and an outright fraud upon the British people. On June 23, the people of Britain will decide whether to exit (BREXIT) the European Union. The outcome of this historic vote will determine Britain’s future. This is an incredibly important vote for it will determine […]

S&P 500 is Really Cheap

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Another element that strongly supports your view is that US equities will fly at some point in the future. If you take the trailing 10y avg real earnings yield from S&P500 (you can easily get them from Shiller’s site) and you normalise it by the 10 year US yield you get the attached […]