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Thin Air v Leverage

QUESTION: So your argument is that there is some base line for deposits and that is the difference between thin air and leverage. Correct? Joe ANSWER: Yes. Thin air to me implies anyone could then lend non-existing money. That is totally different from taking $1,000 and lending it out multiple times so that the amount […]

It Wont Be The First Time They Hang Bankers

QUESTION: Marty, thank you for explaining the banking problem. It is leverage but they cannot create money without a basic deposit. The way these people spin this you would think you just open a bank and create money by loans without any deposits at all. Why are these people so bent on destroying banks? This […]

2015.75 – Peak in Corruption? Dark Age of Socialism

The 2007.15 Peak in the ECM set in motion a profound sea-change within the economy on many levels. It was the beginning of the decline in economic power of the West and the shift in economic power to the East. Liquidity has failed to return and every office building I drive by even today has […]

Fractional v Relationship/Transactional Banking

QUESTION: Marty, in your piece about banking are you suggesting that fractional banking is not the issue it is the shift from relationship banking to transactional that is causing the greatest damage? Thanks Bob ANSWER: Absolutely. The difference between a Dark Age and Capitalism is the very fact that banks exist. The Dark Age after […]

The Rise & Fall of Empires, Nations, & City States

QUESTION: Marty, I remember you giving a seminar back in the early nineties and you showed a chart of the rise and fall of civilizations with the energy output of the sun long before there was this insistence on global warming. Do you have that chart still? REPLY: Here it is. It was redone in […]

Economic Evolution & the Sixth Wave

QUESTIONS: (1) Mr. Armstrong; I have read theories that this wave of economic evolution you displayed as the sixth wave at the Solution Conference  is the transformation from the industrialized world that was based upon commodities to the new age of intellectual development necessitates a new deflationary age in commodities. Some seem to be even […]

Trying to Take the Next Step Forward in Economic Evolution

COMMENT: they now propose a bill which provides that savers’ deposits in Austria will no longer be guaranteed by government. The banks should be responsible for the safety of savings, not the government. Welcome to the almost obsolete world of modern banking.Our deposits/savings largely guaranteed by transactional bankers(whos balance sheets Joe Public cannot possibly understand the […]

Austria to Default on Bank Guarantees

Austria is now planning a far-reaching reform of deposit insurance – default. You pay taxes all your life and you are told government is there to protect you. Austria demonstrates the future all nations will face for they now propose a bill which provides that savers’ deposits in Austria will no longer be guaranteed by government. The […]

What About the Unfunded Liabilities?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Saw ‘The Forecaster’ in London, only sorry it was not showing for longer as many friends would have liked the opportunity to see it, it was an excellent documentary. Very much enjoyed watching the ‘Solutions Conference’. How do you see debt for equity operating in the UK alongside the abandonment of the Central […]

NY Times – July 19th, 1998

The New York Times July 19, 1998 Leader Exits, but It May be too Soon to Invest in Japan by Joseph Kahn The day after Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto resigned, adding politics to the left of Japan’s financial and economic woes, one of the country’s leading financial newspapers topped its front page with this […]