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Market Talk – July 7, 2020

ASIA: China’s largest semiconductor maker could raise as much as $7.5 billion this year by listing its stock in Shanghai — a move that could deliver the Chinese mainland its largest share sale in a decade, and reduce the country’s reliance on foreign chips, CNN reported. Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), which already trades in […]

More than 20% of Businesses in Germany Fear Their Future Survival

The economic damage due to this fake coronavirus pandemic that has been touted as if it were the black plague is massive. In Germany, 21% of existing companies fear they will not survive. The total damage that has been unleashed upon the world economy is beyond stupid if it were truly a mistake, but it […]

Comment from Texas – The End Result

COMMENT: Martin, There was an emergency virtual meeting of the Texas Republican Executive Committee last night after Governor Abbott signed an executive order requiring masks and social distancing, and banning assemblies of more than 10 people. After nearly three hours of babbling, someone finally called the question, and the executive committee voted to hold the convention […]

Market Talk – July 2, 2020

ASIA: The US Senate has approved a final version of legislation that would punish China for moves that lawmakers fear will crush democratic freedoms in Hong Kong. The move by lawmakers comes as China has passed a controversial national security law for Hong Kong that lends Beijing sweeping new powers over the semi-autonomous city. The […]

Market Talk – July 1, 2020

ASIA: The United States stepped in to stall a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) statement pushed hard by China on this week’s Karachi terror attack. This is in light of India’s reservations over the Imran Khan government’s efforts to politicize the attack at the Pakistan Stock Exchange. Officials said that there was a good chance […]

Why is Romney Supporting Democrats Against his Own Party?

Mit Romney has long been suspected of not being exactly above question. He was the only person in the Republicans to vote to Impeach Trump. The former Republican presidential nominee has isolated himself from Republicans in the Senate, in his home state, and across the country. Now his team is going to announce that they […]

Market Talk – June 30, 2020

ASIA: China has passed a wide-reaching national security law for Hong Kong, which many fear could be used to override existing legal processes and further erode the city’s civil and political freedoms. Beijing’s top lawmaking body, the National People’s Congress (NPC), passed the law unanimously on Tuesday morning local time, bypassing Hong Kong’s legislature, Chinese […]

Lockdowns Have Pushed Government Pensions Over the Edge

COMMENT: Facing a vicious circle of conflicting demands and priorities, the California Public Employees Retirement System is turning to debt – a risky scheme to borrow billions of dollars in hopes of juicing its investment returns. The California Public Employees Retirement System, the nation’s largest pension trust, benefited greatly from the runup in stocks and […]

Guaranteed Basic Income & Marxists

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you!!! for opening our eyes to the scary new world in which we live in. Are there more Socialist/Marxist to other political groups? Our neighbor is a professor at a major university in South Florida with a Doctorate in Nursing. She recently shared with us her strong ideologies and political […]

Market Talk – June 29, 2020

ASIA: A new strain of flu that has the potential to become a pandemic has been identified in China by scientists. It emerged recently and is carried by pigs, but can infect humans, they say. The researchers are concerned that it could mutate further so that it can spread easily from person to person, and […]