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Market Talk – June 20, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will hold talks with Chinese President Xi. President Xi arrived in North Korea’s capital, Pyongyang, in the first state visit in 14 years. The main topics reportedly will be nuclear armaments and trade. Interesting timing given both are in the midst of US negotiations in way […]

Market Talk – June 19, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Nikkei has reported that Apple plans to move some of its manufacturing out of China. However, it is unlikely that the jobs will go to the US against the president’s wishes. “A lower birthrate, higher labor costs and the risk of overly centralizing its production in one country. These adverse factors are […]

Market Talk – June 18, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: There was upbeat news regarding the U.S.-China trade deal today. Trump stated that he and President Xi spoke and that they will have an extended meeting next week at the G20 event. A 6.7 magnitude earthquake hit the north east of Japan today, with expectations of perhaps multiple tsunamis to hit the […]

Market Talk – June 17, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Hong Kong repealed their decision to allow extradition to China after thousands went to the streets in protest of the original decision. Prominent activist Joshua Wong has called for the city leader Carrie Lam to step down. Chinese technology giant Huawei has admitted that there has been as much as a 40% […]

Market Talk – June 14, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Chinese Industrial output numbers were released today and show a growth rate of 5%. This is the lowest rate of growth in 17 years, showing the strain the U.S. trade tariffs are likely having on the Chinese economy. A former Chinese central bank governor has warned that the trade war can cause […]

Market Talk – June 13, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: A Pilipino ship was sunk in the South Chinese Sea. The Philippines sent a formal diplomatic protest to Beijing on Thursday condemning the actions of the Chinese ship and urging China to investigate the matter. The Chinese responded by calling the incident an “ordinary maritime accident.” There are currently joint Japan and […]

Market Talk – June 12, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: News emanating out of China states big tech firms are planning to move production out of China. This comes around after Huawei just failed to launch their new laptop. This was a first time a Huawei product failed to launch since the trade war began. An Apple partner, Foxconn Technology Group, said […]

Germany’s New Green Deal Has Failed – Energiewende

On March 11, 2011, when an earthquake-triggered tsunami damaged the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, Chancellor Merkel and her cabinet held that nuclear power in Germany had to come to an end. It was a historic event and a historic decision (see Der Spiegel). The new green deal of Merkel quickly became bogged down […]

Market Talk – June 11, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: In Hong Kong over a million people attended a demo today to protest the recent ruling which will allow extradition to China; with those questioning the future of democracy in the region. The trade war is still escalating between the U.S. and China, with China stating they will “fight to the end.” […]

Calgary Vacancy Rate Still near Record Highs – Sorry, Calgary is closing

The environmentalists have really gutted Alberta which was an economy based upon commodities. With that industry under assault, the economy has been decline. According to the quarterly report released April 1st 2019, Calgary’s downtown vacancy rate is currently at 26.5%, the highest in Canada. Although it decreased slightly from its peak at 27.8% in the […]