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INFLATION will begin with Higher Interest Rates

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First of all, thanks for making the sense of the world for all the readers. Without you, as you yourself know well, 99.99% of us are lost !!! When you say- That is when inflation will appear when this become obvious we have a runaway train and central banks can do NOTHING. Are you saying […]

NSA Proves it Cannot Protect Even Itself no less the Country

  The NSA incident proves that they are bullshitting everyone for since they grab every text, email, and phone call, why did they not know they were going to be attacked? They claim they could have prevented 911. Nice claim. It is all nonsense. They are tracking us for money. They are making a film […]

Breakdown of Debt

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong, I have been eagerly awaiting your Solution and am trying to wrap my head around it. Can you explain more about the debt to equity swaps? What exactly would the debt be swapped for? PS: In your latest blog, you mentioned repealing the “13th” amendment. That gave me quite a shock until […]

Why We Need the Crash & Burn

Comments are now coming in from those in central banks and governments, which ones I will not mention. They can see the proposition, but ask how can we actually reach the proposal? I do not expect that we can create such a reform without the pain. In the United States, we would need a constitutional […]

We cannot Escape the Past Until We See The Future

COMMENT: I watched the Solution Conference and your explanation of two monetary systems being barter and representative was insightful. I can see why the goldbugs hate you and how they are trapped in yesterday’s world of a barter economy. You have a lot of work ahead of you for this is truly revolutionary. You have […]

The Right to Even Trade

COMMENT: Marty, I watched the Solution Conference with my son who is 18. While I at first thought it was a restatement of what you have been saying in different postings, my son’s eyes popped open. He said to me ‘Dad, he is right. He sees what we see. This is not working and there […]

Thinking Outside the Box – Yes there is a Whole Lot More Than Meets the Eye

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to say your proposal is brilliant. I fear most people will not grasp what you put forth because they are confined in their world of ideas about money having some tangible value and inflation is related to the quantity of money rather than as you say, it is just […]

Australia to Tax Bank Deposits

  Politicians are simply insane. They do not consider that they have squandered the people’s money and in fact they are the problem. All they ever do is increase taxes as if there is no end in sight. Tony Abbott is advocating a tax on bank deposits for just having money is something now to […]

Press Hard At Work To Eliminate Your Freedom

  Well the Press is fully in bed with government and are advocating eliminating cash because someone broke into an ATM. Using this logic, we should all walk around naked as well and then we do not need the TSA to search us for obviously we could not hide a weapon. This is how it […]

IMF Tried to keep Floor on Interest Rates at 0.5%

  Tthe IMF said it is introducing a floor of 0.05 percent for the interest rate on Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). The IMF’s move shows how global financial conditions are heading into never-never-land. Just how are these governments going to handle the Great Recession? Will rates go to -10% to achieve stimulus? What they do not […]