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EU Considering Requiring a Broadcaster License to have YouTube Channel

While in the US some people have discovered that running a YouTube Channel can get you in trouble with the law. One many found himself in Georgia with being charged with running a business without a license even though he was not selling anything just offering his opinion. Of course, there are two licensing options […]

Market Talk- August 27, 2018

The PBOC change in technical methodology for pricing Yuan was the reason for the stock rally in Asia this morning and also responding to Powell’s comments. It could be political, but the move does look to be underpinning the Yuan, for the moment, as we head towards the next round of Trade Talks. Slowing the […]

The Fight Behind the Curtain inside the EU

Italy is the third largest economy in Europe just behind France, but it is number two insofar as industrial production is concerned. The French manufacture three main brands, Peugeot, Citroen, and Renault, in the world of automobiles which are not very popular in the USA. The Italians, however, have the more recognized brands worldwide such as Ferrari, […]

Currency Inflation That Most Never Noticed

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find your anecdotes fascinating and very enlightening how you always bought German cars and made money on them.  Is currency the primary reason people often think something is a good investment when in fact it is really just currency fluctuations? PVB ANSWER: You are hitting the nail right on the head. The decline […]

Market Talk- August 24, 2018

No conclusion, as the US/China trade talks finish, a new PM in Australia, unchanged +0.7% release for Japanese inflation and a rally in oil and gold as the USD turned. All this ahead of Jerome Powell’s Jackson Hole speech and still no volatility. This all goes to show that traditional summer months are difficult to […]

Market Talk- August 23, 2018

With core China and the Hang Seng indices trading near their 52week lows, this is the direct opposite to core US indices that are making historic highs! Todays price action almost seemed typical of what we have seen over this past year. US markets are treading water at their highs, whilst Shanghai, Hang Seng, STI […]

Market Talk- August 22. 2018

Record highs achieved in the US session and so expectedly the Asia markets responded. The Nikkei was the leader, but interestingly not from the open! It took a while for sentiment to build, but the weakness of the Yen probably helped massage prices to close up +0.64%. The talk for this and the rest of […]

Real Estate & Understanding The Role of Debt

QUESTION: Dear Sir/Madam Thank you so much for what you all do. I was just reading today’s Blog 17-08-2018 –  ‘ Real Estate – Leverage – Transition to the Reset ‘.   The bit I did not understand was where it was written  ‘ Keep in mind that as the currency declines, then the repayment cost […]

Market Talk- August 21, 2018

Middle of summer and if you ever needed an excuse not to trade, today was probably it! Volumes were so poor they hardly registered a change in markets. Although the Nikkei started lower, it spent the rest of the day making its way back to positive. That is probably the good news as the close […]

WEC Orlando November 16-17, 2018

This year’s World Economic Conference in Orlando will be the launchpad for what is to unfold as we move into 2020. We are holding it after the elections November 16-17 but as we move into the Pi Target on November 21st, which is typically most important politically. This has been the turning point marked 911 […]