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The Movie – the Forecaster

  The Movie the Forecaster made its debut to a full house last night. The reception was fantastic. It was nice to have an audience that was so receptive – it truly was amazing. Most documentary films are about some suffering. This one is not about poor me, but what I have been fighting against […]

The Insanity of Politicians

  The stark difference between Putin and Western politicians is starting to impress even those who fear him. Putin says what he thinks and does not swing back and forth with polls. He actually answers question as demonstrated on a German TV interview. In the West, we lack politicians who really stand for anything. They […]

Austrian Chancellor Impressed by the Swiss Tax System

The Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann (SPÖ) was informed on Friday in Aarau of the design of the Swiss tax system. The distinction of the Swiss tax system that sets is apart from the rest of the world is that there is a certain basic trust in the population, Faymann said. “Everyone knows his duties. You […]

The State of the World FOREX

While recession has returned to Japan and interest rates have dropped to negative, in Europe the ECM has effectively announced it will expand its balance sheet again by a trillion Euro. China has lowered interest rates showing this view of lowering interest rates is believed to stimulate the economy still prevails, albeit nobody can point […]

Questions on Gold

#1 QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, do fundamentals really matter? It seems like the commentators can focus on whatever they want flipping it bullish or bearish based upon their views at that moment. Thanks for all you do MK #2 QUESTION: Hi Martin,    Thank you for all that you do. I have truly been enlightened to the […]

Cities Budget Civil Asset Forfeiture As Part of their Funding

Since 2009, Washington, D.C. officers have made more than 12,000 civil asset seizures under city and federal laws, according to records and data obtained from the city by The Washington Post through the District’s open records law. Half of the more than $5.5 million in cash seizures were for $141 or less, with more than a thousand […]

The $1 Million Baby Blue Cross Refuses to Pay the Bill

The Million Dollar Baby Blue Cross Refuses to Pay the Bill. Heath Insurance is getting to be a real fraud. A Canadian couple bought insurance before they went on holiday when the wife was 6 months pregnant. Her water broke and she spent several weeks in a hospital. The baby was born 9 weeks premature. […]

The Movie Trailer is Out

Greek Police Abuse of Citizens as a Whole

  The more the economic conditions decline, the more abuse we see coming from those who work for the government in Greece. The Greek police send in battalions to hunt people they suspect may organize the people. This is not something that the public will tolerate passively much longer for it is starting to appear […]


  I arrived in Amsterdam. It has begun. As I have stated, this film is not about my life, but about my battle against the market manipulators who have blackmailed government into bailing out their losses while they keep all the gains. When I objected to the seizure of the tapes I had made documenting […]