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Polish Pension Funds Seized by Government – Who is Next?

Poland seized private pension funds and have mandated those money to be invested in government bonds last February. Beware – this is coming to a theater near you. The Polish government seized $51bn of privately run pension funds and transferred them back into “state control” in a dramatic reversal of a reform that central and eastern European […]

Political Upheaval is Worldwide – Poland Next

In Poland, here too we see a political upset in the wind. The opposite party of Jaroslaw Kaczynski is in a position to overthrow the Prime Minister. Around the world, we are witnessing the same trend. Whoever is in power is being tossed out.   US Congress 1929 The Democrats lost huge this time. The […]

Gold & Future – Looking Brighter?

The emails now favor those who are reformed gold “investors” with still some diehard believers in fiat, manipulations, and paper gold. Futures have existed since Babylonian times and have had the exact opposite impact as claimed – they expand liquidity and thus make that market more suitable for trading be it stocks, bonds, or commodities.Gold […]

Downs & Armstrong from Capitol Hill – Will Anything Change?


Europe Explained at Last

  Europe Explained – a Good Laugh

Swiss Turn Back EU Immigation

The Swiss bureaucrats have spoken – enough is enough – go home Europeans in accord with Dublin Agreement. The Swiss will now block EU immigrants fleeing Germany and other European states seeking to get away from the Euroland insanity. Now European immigrants entering the country will face very strict regulations that effectively said no more. There […]

Governments Are Conspiring Against People – Worldwide

  A good example of government all ganging up against the people to cling to power is how they all follow each other. These G20 meetings are now serious events because they are all about how to control the people and sustain their power. This is demonstrated by coordination efforts from taxes to now controlling […]

Italian Police Defuse Bomb Placed in Front of German Bank

The Italian police on Monday defused a bomb found outside a branch of Deutsche Bank, a German commercial bank, in Naples. The device, containing about a kilogram of explosives, had been primed to explode but failed to detonate, the ANSA news agency said, quoting police sources. A water cannon was used in the operation to make the device safe, ANSA said. It had […]

Romania Overthrows its Prime Minister on Anti-Corruption Wave of Discontent

The key to comprehending the trend is to watch everything, everywhere. It is always a contagion. In Romania we see the political elections overturning the Prime Minister who was the presumed favorite in Romania’s runoff presidential election. Of course the incumbent – Prime Minister Victor Ponta, lost as the issue became the very same thing […]

Putin Leaves G20 Very Early – Snubbed by Western Leaders – Really Stupid Indeed

Western leaders merely ganged up on Putin rather than trying to work out a deal nice and quietly. You cannot push someone up against the wall and not expect a reaction. The FT reports of tensions between Putin and even the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper who seems to dance whenever Obama plays the fiddle. Harper […]