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Judge Rakoff Blasts the Injustice of America

  The legal system in the United States has collapsed into a horrible pretense of justice. On top of that, every law that is passed they include the standard language of fine and imprisonment. This turned into a huge fight with Obamacare. In the first draft buried within the 33,000 pages was the standard clause […]

Why Innocent People Plead Guilty

    Why Innocent People Plead Guilty Jed S. Rakoff NOVEMBER 20, 2014 ISSUE   Honoré Daumier: A Criminal Case The criminal justice system in the United States today bears little relationship to what the Founding Fathers contemplated, what the movies and television portray, or what the average American believes. To the Founding Fathers, the critical […]

Obama’s Regulation of the Internet – Got a License to Say That?

Radio Interview in Vancouver on the Goddard Show About the New FCC Obama Directive to Regulate the Internet

Time to Hide Under the Covers

The USA may not be as all-powerful as its tells its people or our politicians believe. For all the spying going on against American citizens to hunt them down for taxes intercepting all cell phone calls, the USA is vulnerable on many fronts. The Chinese have been able to compromise the US defense systems. Meanwhile, […]

A New World Order – The End of Oil?

  We have been getting a ton of questions regarding energy since oil has broken the key level of $75 we gave years ago. Yes, this was a serious crack that may indeed break the trend of energy long-term. For this reason, our Institutional Report on the industry will be made available for everyone since […]

The Future Explained – What is Unfolding & the Connections in the Global Economy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I must say, you are the father of market analysis and I can see how the uninitiated are lost in their concept of fundamentals still see you are the person who manipulates the world economy. When they are totally lost in the cavities within their mind they cannot see beyond the linear […]

Italy is at War with ECB

Beppe Grillo has come out and stated the obvious: “We are not at war with Russia, but with the ECB”. Beppe Grillo is launching a campaign for Italy to exit the Euro. Since the introduction of the euro, all economic parameters have deteriorated, the founder of the five-star movement in Italy is absolutely correct. The design or […]

Setting the Stage for the Collapse in Metals – Gold Stocks

For a classic bottom in any market, you have to just reach the point where the majority believe that the market is dead and it will never recover again. This is the traditional development at a major historical low. Despite the ranting and screaming, ETF inventories in gold continue to drift lower with more than 110 […]

Beware the Cycle of War Turns Back Up Next Week

  We have to be concerned that the Cycle of War turns back up next week. NATO has reported that Russian troops have now invaded Eastern Ukraine. In the Cycles of War Report we wrote that target will be November 19/20, 2014 (2014.8871) where we should see some escalation in activity. It appears this may be […]

Obamacare Deliberately Written with 33,000 Pages of Regulations To Hide the Truth

Everyone is shocked that the Key Obamacare Architect, Jonathan Gruber, has come out and admitted that the Obamacare legislation was drafted to intentionally be so confusing that the average American public would never know that their healthcare would rise in price and decline in service. Here is the full transcript and a link to the video: “You […]