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Republicans Tipped to Take Senate – Setting the Stage for 2016?

The various press organizations are now giving a 70% chance that the Republicans will take the Senate. There is a serious deficiency in competence within government everywhere. It appears that the corruption and politics have driven anyone with substance from the field. Who wants to go through all this crazy personal focus if you really […]

The Dow Jones Nov 3rd 2014

The Dow Jones Industrials managed to exceed the September high intraday and produce the highest weekly closing, but it did not close ABOVE the September high ruling out a Sling-Shot Move right now. Nevertheless, we still see this week as the target and the key days are today and Friday with a mid week minor […]

Newsweek – Hit the Road Barack!!!!

I have told the story how the Republicans had me meeting with potential candidates for President under the pretense I was there to advise them of the state of the global economy. In fact, I was asked routinely my “opinion” of their capability. Then came the call they wanted me to fly to Texas to […]

Oh Boy! Get Ready. The Paranoid Nutjobs at the NSA Will Be About To Read Your Thoughts

  Believe it or not, Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have developed a machine and computer program which converts brain activity into sounds and words. That’s correct! Speech activates specific neurons as the brain operates to interpret the sounds as words. Each word activates a slightly different set of neurons. This is how […]

Analysis v Funds Management

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I appreciate all the work that you put into your daily blog and your computer database etc, but I do get a little annoyed when you use phrases that include the words “could”, “perhaps”, “maybe” and such guarded words in the context of market predictions.  We all know that the market “could” […]

The Left using Piketty in Netherlands

CONTRIBUTED FROM NETHERLANDS: Hi Martin, There you have it: one of the Dutch left parties, Green Left, is proposing draconian wealth taxes based on Thomas Piketty’s book. See the link below. Some of the things they want: * A (maximum) 50% tax on capital for the super rich * Increase the tax on dividends from […]

Just Amazing – Witch-Doctors of Finance

COMMENT: Marty, I have got to say following you on the Dow has been an amazing live demonstration of what you have achieved. You call the July high, then said the market would rally into the ECM in September and then warned of a crash. The market turned down the week after the ECM peaked […]

Cyclical Analysis – Perhaps One Day it will be Taught in University

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been working on a trading desk for 4 years now. I have got to say, everyone reads you. The general comment around here in the bank is never be on the opposite side of your computer. Some still say you manipulate the world and others say you are the father […]

Precious Metals Dead or Deader?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thinking in terms of Capital Flows, would it be appropriate to say that gold & silver are falling because the dollar is rising, the Euro is falling and some states need to sell gold to cover their bond exposure? Best, -M ANSWER: Yes. The dollar is rising and this will have a positive […]

Dow Jones – OMG – A Possible Sling-Shot Move?

  We closed right on our 17195 target and then the Dow closed above 17143 providing another buy signal yesterday and that warned of a move further to the upside. Especially when we fell right to the Bearish Reversal at 15960 and held. Exceeding Thursday’s high is a serious issue. We now must realize that […]