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Solar Magnetic Field Oscillations Confirm Global Cooling is Upon Us

  Professor Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October 2018. At the core of her work on the solar background magnetic field observed from the Earth, she revealed four pairs of dynamo waves, the pair with the highest eigenvalues are called […]

US Bank Reserves 10% – EU Bank Reserves 1%

QUESTION: What mechanism prevents banks from creating fraudulent electronic deposits of currency? As an IT systems admin, I have the ability to add / subtract / adjust ERP systems inventory / costing outside the normal users ability. I could add widgets to the system at will, but fraud can’t be sustained very long, as the […]

Why Has Farmland Exploded in Price? The Accidental Trend Correlation

  Most people have little idea WHY big money was targeting buying farmland in Canada, USA, and Australia. It was more than just Chinese investment. With interest rates down to negative, capital has been looking for returns. They were buying farmland and then renting it out generally for 5%. This created what many call the […]

Global Cooling – not Global Warming, that we should Fear the Most.

It is incredibly important to understand that as the weather turns bitterly cold in the north, people will begin to migrate south. This not merely caused the ancient Greeks to become the Sea Peoples, but also during the Year without a Summer in 1816 it shifted the population in America. In the United States when […]

Justinian I (527-565AD)

Monetary History of Byzantium    JUSTINIAN I 527-565AD Justinian I (c. 482 – November 14, 565AD), came to the throne following his uncle, Justin I. He ruled for nearly four decades and during his reign, he sought to restore the Roman Empire by retaking Western Europe and Northern Africa. Justinian was partially able to recover […]

The LEI is the Means to an End to in the Hunt for Global Taxation

  QUESTION: Hi Marty, I wanted to ask you if you know anything about the LEI (legal entity identifier) that brokers are now requesting from clients who trade forex and other derivatives and who have accounts under a business structure? I recently opened a trading account under a business structure (company/trust) and was only told yesterday […]

Scientists Want to Synthetically Create a Volcanic Winter – Are they Just Nuts?

  Believe it or not, pretend Scientists are actually proposing to create a synthetic Volcanic Winter by spraying sun-dimming chemicals into the Earth’s atmosphere the same as a volcanoe when it erupts. These pretend research scientists at Harvard and Yale universities have published in the journal Environmental Research Letters proposing to inject an aerosol (SAI) to […]

Climate Change – More than Global Warming

  There is a lot more to Climate Change than the dire predictions that we will be eating each other by now. The Sahara Desert was once lush and green. Then the weather systems shifted and the once fertile land turns to desert. The Sphinx is believed to have the face of Khafra of the 4th dynasty during […]

USA v Euro Capital Flows

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your forecast that the capital flows would shift from the EU to the USA I believe has been confirmed by both the European bond markets and share markets. The German DAX is trading below the low created in 2017 while the USA is trading above it. Is this confirmation that your […]

Britain Tops Economic Growth in Europe Proving it Does NOT need the EU

What I have found totally shocking is that the British government under Prime Minister Theresa May is this need to surrender all rights just to remain in the customs union. She has not figured out that the UK has been at the top of the list of the European Union’s ‘Big Four’ economies in terms […]