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Rumors Still Abound that Hillary Will Emerge in August

Hillary Clinton and friends are still plotting to have her drafted at the Convention now scheduled for August 17-20. The rumors remain that Joe Biden is “seriously senile” or has dementia. It’s not really “sleepy Joe” as Trump politely calls him, they keep him off the road because they are scared to death what he […]

Constitutional Convention

QUESTION: Hi, I am new to Socrates & will try to utilize this wonderful program. A few questions for Mr. Armstrong about the current state of political discourse: 1) Who has the authority to call a Constitution Convention? 2) How does a Constitutional convention work? (What are the rules…etc.) 3) How can we place limits […]

Market Talk – June 26, 2020

ASIA: The Academy of Military Medical Sciences, a research institute run by China’s military, received approval to conduct human clinical trials of a new COVID-19 vaccine developed using advanced genetics technology, in a notable breakthrough for China’s quickly developing pharmaceutical industry. The approval comes as other Chinese drugmakers move to expand testing of more traditional […]

The 2020 Election – The Most Corrupt in American History

The polls will be manipulated to show Trump will lose. While our computer shows he should win, caution is necessary because we are also showing this will be the most corrupt election in American history. The computer had also projected that Gore would have won but the Supreme Court handed that to Bush, and later […]

Market Talk – June 24, 2020

ASIA: Indian and Chinese military commanders have agreed to disengage troops from a heavily disputed stretch of their border where a clash last week left 20 Indian soldiers dead, an Indian government source said on Tuesday. Senior military officials from both sides met for several hours on Monday in an attempt to reduce tensions in […]

The Polls Being Manipulated?

  We may be witnessing the manipulation of polls once again that show Biden way ahead of Trump as we did in 2016 in the USA and with BREXIT. This time it seems that the manipulation is taking place on Steriods. According to our models, the support for Republicans looking at the House & Senate […]

Gates’ Dream of Controlling the World is Hitting a Brick Wall

Bill Gates and Microsoft have been banned in Russia. This is seriously preventing Bill Gates’ dream of vaccinating the entire world so he can track everyone. Russia is going to add Bill Gates to the blacklist along with George Soros and Jacob Rothschild. The entire scheme of Microsoft and the others is to take everything […]

COVID Testing Going Nuts

All of this controversy because Trump says testing for COVID should slow down and Fauci says no way. I have stated I made the mistake of going to an ER and all they want to do is find you have COVID. I was sent to a COVID isolation unit for 2 days and then to […]

Market Talk – June 23, 2020

ASIA: China National Biotec Group (CNBG) has won approval to run a large-scale “Phase 3” clinical trial of its novel coronavirus vaccine candidate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the company said on Tuesday. China is seeking to trial potential vaccines overseas because of a lack of new patients at home. China on Tuesday successfully […]

Will the Dollar Crash?

QUESTION: Good morning from Greece Martin!! It will be very interesting to have your comment on Steven’s Roach interview at CNBC about an upcoming dollar collapse due to the ballooning US deficit. My respect for your job, JA ANSWER: This is the typical myopic nonsense. All they ever do is look at the quantity of money […]