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Confused? When Will This End?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, First of all, thank you for your daily blogs. First thing I read every morning. I can’t wait to attend Novembers Orlando conference. My question is about the inverse relationship of Gold(precious metals) and the Dollar. Looking at historical charts it would suggest that we may continue to see a price decrease in […]

World Economy Melting Down

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have indeed sparked my curiosity. With both the velocity of money and the trading volume declining since 1998, this seems to be a very dangerous position and your work is really eye opening. I read your Transactional Banking and it seems that this has changed everything for the worse. Your Big […]

Failure of the Quantity of Money Theory

QUESTION: Marty; Are you saying that Bill Gross is wrong and they will not try “helicopter money” again or that “helicopter money” will not stimulate the economy? ANSWER: Whether or not the Fed tries to apply “helicopter money” is highly debatable. Bill Gross DID NOT make a forecast that any QE (Quantitative Easing) would be successful or […]

Monetary Unions – How Fast Can They Collapse?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Nobody seems to be able to answer this question. How fast would the Euro disintegrate if the EU appears to be on the verge of collapsing assuming Britain were to leave? There is a consensus that other states would then begin to also prepare referendums to leave. This question become paramount and you […]

The Subsidized Education & Health Care Disaster

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What do you think about Bernie Sanders saying education should be free? Is this socialism or doable? ANSWER:The two areas that constantly rise in price are education and health care. Both are a total disaster because the government subsidizes them. Bernie’s idea of free education sounds nice. However, it will fail and constitutes Marxist socialism if it simply seeks to […]

Congressional Elections for 2016

While the media focuses on the U.S. presidential election, the real power is dangling in Congress. The 2018 election will be far more important as there is a risk of Independents sweeping into Congress at that time. For now, there is a total of 469 seats in the U.S. Congress (34 Senate seats and 435 […]

Dow for the Closing – May 6, 2016

In the Dow, we have technical support at 17573 and a Daily Bearish Reversal at 17568. At the time of this posting, the Dow is trading at 17633 and the low has been 17580. A closing beneath this level will warn we could see a decline into the week of the 16th. The primary Weekly […]

California “Locked & Loaded” Ready for the Big One?

The LA Times is reporting that scientists are now coming out and saying that the San Andreas Fault System is “locked and loaded” ready for the big one. The last “big one” was 1857. Effectively, the north portion moves about 16 feet ANNUALLY. The southern portion is locked and has not moved to catch up. […]

The Absence of Randomness = Hidden Order

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your comments and observation that there is nothing which acts in a pure state of randomness. Do you believe absolutely everything is predetermined? ANSWER: DNA analysis can tell you what your traits are and what diseases you may develop. Everything is predetermined by a code within the fabric of the universe. Nothing can […]

Does Randomness Even Exist?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have to admit after following you for almost 2 years now I am impressed. I was a buyer of your first gold report where you introduce me to the idea of different types of cycles from fixed to variable and your benchmarks. I have been amazed that gold bottomed to the week […]