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The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs

  The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (1/2) The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (2/2)  Life & Death of Boris Berezovsky (RT Documentary)

Arthur Burn’s Advice During Recession ’75 – Cut Deficit & Taxes

Arthur Burn’s testified before Congress on the economic crisis – the first to unfold in the new Floating Exchange Rate system that began in 1971. Keynesian Economics as practiced by government was dead anf taxes had risen to outrageous;y the 90% level until the first tax cut by Kennedy. Burns delivered his recommendation during the […]

Replacing the Dollar

  The conspiracy crowd keep swearing the dollar has to collapse and remain clueless that the world is in serious trouble. The impact of debt is far worse outside the USA than inside yet their myopic vision blinds them to the truth. Taxes are so high in Europe and this renders it is impossible to […]

The Bond Rally & Bubble

  A lot of people have been writing about Bill Gross leaving PIMCO and connecting that with us and our forecast that there is a coming bond collapse. I cannot comment on any client or who is a reader or not. Unlike the NSA, I believe in privacy. That aside, there has been talk of […]

Comments from Canada on Abuse of Taxes

COMMENT: Hi Martin, on the recent post about out of control government I can attest to at least 3 cases in the last 6 months. I work for a large coop FI and deal with people from all walks of life. Recently I had: 1) client was refused a permit after 4 months of applying for […]

The New Underground Economy in Germany

A very interesting stage in the economic meltdown since 2007 is unfold quietly beneath the headlines. In Germany, the tax burden on the average person has exceeded 50%. The people may be powerless against the politicians so there is a new form of barter emerging that still uses money, but avoid taxes. How? After outrageous […]

Comment from Portugal – Indicative of Worldwide Political Crisis

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong. I have been in Portugal for the last week. Here too people are fed up with politicians. Even in the country side the cities and towns are building unnecessary infrastructure (example of roundabouts in every single small intersection) just so they can raise taxes. People cite the unreasonable increase in property […]

Germany – Troubling Political Events

The press is claiming over here that the central banks saved the super-rich by keeping interest rates low to help the stock market. While this reporting is still highly socialistic designed to hand even more power to government, meanwhile government just ignores the law to justify its own actions. The ECB buying of debt is […]

Politicians Are the Most Distrusted Among All Occupations

I am here in Germany kicking the tires and taking the temperature of the core of the European economy. Interestingly enough, a survey has revealed that politicians around the world have the worst reputation among all other occupations. The people have by far the least confidence in world leaders. In Germany only 15% say that they […]

The Fog – Comprehending the Invisible Hand

COMMENT: I just wanted to thank you for all your charts and explanations of what was taking place on the DOW this week.  I have been reading your work for the past five years and I appreciate that you make this available for everyone.  I am trying to understand what is coming our way and what […]