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ECB Exceeds it Powers At the Threat to Germany

The storm brewing in Europe with the European Central Bank (ECB) is its plan to buy bad debt from banks in the version of stimulating the economy. Of course this is indirect and will never save Europe – but it may tear it apart. The ECB and all who support them, have argued in their […]

The Return of Mercenaries

Private armies for hire are becoming popular on all sides. For government, this is the greatest invention since taxes – no social benefits. Mercenaries fighting for the USA get about $141,000 a year. Even in Ukraine there are a number of mercenaries from Europe and other countries is on the rise. They fight on the side […]

Gold v Equities

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong … In the Metals report you mentioned that the further Gold fell, the greater the rally would be thereafter. So don’t the same principles apply to what is currently happening in equities? Support areas are being breached, but don’t a lot of investors watch the same areas so the “heard” mentality […]

IMF Forecasts are Always Wrong – This Spectacularly So

When it comes to forecasting, the IMF is virtually always wrong to a large extent. Indeed, often they are spectacularly wrong as was the case with the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Why anyone ever bothers to listen is really baffling. They never admit mistakes and are clueless about forecasting any change in trend. What is […]

Italians Demanding Referendum on Euro – Only the People Can Save Europe

As Julius Caesar said: the die is cast. He also said I came, I saw, I conquered (Veni Vidi Vici). The entire idea of the Euro is a total disaster. This is now about a dictatorship in Brussels that has built a political infrastructure which will promote civil war in Europe – not peace and […]

Dow & 2015.75

QUESTION: Many thanks again for the stream of clarifying observations posted daily — hugely appreciated. I was struck when reading that 2015.75 could be a low.Would this not permit a drop to cross 11,750? And would such a resulting chart pattern not be remarkably bullish? In effect might not the drop be an amplified echo of that […]

Dow for 10-14-2014

  The Dow held the Daily Bearish at 16319. Therefore, if the low of 10/13 holds, we should bounce back into Thursday-Friday. But this would be just a bounce. We can see from the technical chart that once that uptrend line was broken, there was just the collapse. Typically, we would rally back and bounce […]

So When Will We Know?

All year we have been warning that a Phase Transition is coming, but when could not be ascertained until after September 2014. At some point everything must flip. Why? Because this is a Sovereign Debt Crisis not the normal plain vanilla decline. This is why retail participation is at historic lows and liquidity is at […]

Will 2015 Break Germany?

While the German municipalities are short €118 billion euros for infrastructure repairs, reorganization of the German state finances may force even higher taxes. The German budget next year will see social spending is likely to exceed the €50 billion euros level. This will be more than the total business tax revenue in the nation. Everything […]

French Government on Brink of Collapse

French President François Hollande has brought his country to ruin and threatens to bring down Euroland with him. His insane budget plans have been admitted cannot possibly meet EU rules before 2017 and even that assumes some recovery. Meanwhile, Hollande has lost his last government partner. The PRG chief Jean-Michel Baylet on Sunday evening on television, announced […]