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Global Cooling is Real – Major Temperature Low 2046?

  While NASA has now confirmed that the outer atmosphere is getting cooler, it seems desperately insane for people to keep denying the possibility the Global Cooling is taking place rather than Global Warming when the former brings famine and the latter brings economic expansion as civilizations rise. The rise of Rome was due to […]

Bitcoin – The End of Cryptocurrencies?

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I just wanted to write to say thank you. You saved my marriage. My wife insisted I listen to you because you were right and got me out of gold. You also got me out of Bitcoin and I cannot thank you enough. These crazy people were touting a new age of […]

US Share Market Correction

QUESTION: I could not attend the WEC. Cannot wait for the video and materials. I understand you said the US share market was poised to retest the underlying support into 2019. Can you elaborate? Thank you so much PY ANSWER: The target and timing will be on the Private Blog. But generally yes. We will […]

Ancient Coin Hoards for the Holidays

Those interested in some ancient coins for the holidays, here are some of the hoards we have. These have been used as part of our study for the reconstruction of the World Economy.  We have a unique selection of ancient Greek and Roman coins available for the Holidays. Download the catalog for there are coins from […]

Victoria Australia Elections Overthrow the Conservatives in Surprise Election Result

  The Trump Revolution is unfolding everywhere. It is NOT a philosophy left or right – it is just drain-the-swamp and throw out whoever is in power. The Labor government in the Australian state of Victoria won an unexpectedly large majority in an election. We will also see this manifest into the national elections warning that Australia’s […]

80,000 Protesters in Paris on the Champs Elysees

The protests in France over rising fuel costs and a general discontent with President Emmanuel Macron’s economic policies as the Euro declines resulted in them setting things on fire and police firing tear gas into the crowds. The police were also firing tear water cannons clashed with protesters in addition to tear gas. The protesters […]

Goldman Sachs v JP Morgan

QUESTION: You mentioned that Goldman Sachs can take down the entire banking sector. Do you see this correlating in the future? JF ANSWER: Here is Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. The first thing you will notice is that JP Morgan has been in a REAL bull market. Goldman has not. I am a firm believer […]

World Economy Declines into 2035.8

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You mentioned that we should expect a further decline in the economy. Do you have a target for that decline? Thank you KT ANSWER: The world economy has been in a prolonged economic decline as taxes have risen and regulation has expanded. As government hunts money everywhere, they are bringing the world […]

Woman Sent to Prison for 10 years for Lying about Graduating Elementary School to Get a Job

A Greek cleaning lady was sentenced to 10 years in prison for lying about her elementary school record in a court ruling. Her sentence has outraged the people and rightly so. The 53-year-old woman had worked at a publicly-funded nursery for 15 years until a review in 2014 revealed she had doctored a certificate documenting her […]

We Were Supposed to be Resorting to Cannibalism by Now from Global Warming

Despite the forecasts 20 years ago that snow would be a thing of the past, the last three winters have been getting progressively colder and nastier. Back in 1975, Newsweek predicted we were going into a new ice age until it became profitable to flip it into global warming to justify new taxes. Back in 1971, […]