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Property Taxes and Taxing You on Unrealized Gains

COMMENT: Hello Martin, they already “tax” the paper increase in property taxes. My tax bill went up 70% in the last two years. All I enjoy is an increases mortgage statement. I decided to fight it this time and from now on every year. After having looked into how they do come up with new assessments […]

RFK Endorses Trump & Will Join His Cabinet

  COMMENT: Congratulations. You are the only one who has been pushing this for months. What position will he take in Trump’s Cabinet? FK ANSWER: I want to thank everyone for all of their support. I may have been the first behind this issue. But this is not merely because I said so. RFK was […]

Trump Explains Why the Establishment HATES Him

  We already know why the establishment hates Donald J. Trump. Socrates predicted a third party candidate would win the 2016 US Presidential Election. A Democrat turned Republican, Trump does not stand with either party as those within the establishment on BOTH sides detest him. Politicians may enter politics for magnanimous reasons, but to get […]

Who Was the Real Inspiration to the American Revolution? Are We Doomed to Repeat History?

I recently watched an excellent series on the History Channel, Sons of Liberty. The series starts only in 1765 and thus omits the start of the civil unrest in Boston. It needs a person to follow, so they start with Samuel Adams (1722 – 1803), a colonist who became incensed by the British Crown’s abuse […]

Turkey to Destabilize NATO?

Turkey will be the nation to destabilize NATO. The nation has had discrepancies with the EU, US, and most nations within the bloc. “In an environment where 32 allies are together, it is unthinkable to have the same views on every issue,” defense minister Yasar Guler warned. Turkey’s continued diplomatic relations with Russia are raising […]

Mercenaries – the New Way to Fight Wars

We tend to think of war as a national army against a national army. But wars have changed dramatically since Iraq. Mercenaries are more powerful than most realize, which is a grave oversight. Those who assume they are cheap imitations of national armed forces do not have a clue about what is taking place. For-profit […]

The Second Great Depression?

The coming economic collapse will not resemble the Great Depression. Yes, we are in a recession – but it will not be reminiscent of the Great Depression that began in 1929. For you see, the landscape is entirely different now. America was transitioning from an economy based on agriculture to industrialization. About 40% of the […]

How Companies Prevent Unionization – Diversifying the Workforce

Divide and conquer is a common technique used by businesses to prevent unionization. Numerous studies throughout the years have discovered that highly diverse workforces have a far lower risk of forming a union. The same phenomenon is found through divisive politics, which aims to weaken the strength of the people by dividing us from our […]

Emergency Rate Cuts Never Work

COMMENT: Marty, it is always obvious why you were named Economist of the Decade, Hedge Fund Manager of the Year, and FX Analyst of the Year for the Swiss Peg break. As you said on the private blog; “Let’s see but it appears that we could have a bear trap forming with a plunge into […]

We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Expel a State Like New York and California

There has long been a question presented in society circles, not courts, about the legal secession of a state. The only comment on this from anyone in the Supreme Court was a letter from Justice Scalia to a movie producer on the subject. He mentions that there is no right to secede, for that was […]