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Twitter sues to Reveal Extent of Surveillance

Twitter Inc filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice on Tuesday, intensifying its battle with federal agencies as the Internet industry’s champion of free speech seeks the right to reveal the extent of U.S. government surveillance. The technology industry is realizing that the NSA has ruined the industry’s image and business worldwide. They […]

Obamacare & Ex-Pats

A lot of Americans living overseas often write asking about Obamacare and its taxation. As a U.S. citizen you are required to either buy health insurance, which in the U.S. can be very costly, or get hit with a penalty. The penalty rises steadily. This year it is 1% of your income, rising in the future […]

Is Revolution Coming Driven by the Youth?

A lot of questions have come in regarding the youth. Many are deeply concerned parents and others are youth who write thanking for the understanding of the truth. I have focused upon the youth because this is part of the generational cycle and the divide between the generations is reaching maximum entropy. This is the […]

EU Commission to Reject Hollande’s Budget

Hollande is in deep trouble. His socialistic policies are destroying France. The European Commission in reviewing the budgets of the French Government find that they violate EU rules and no run the risk that they will be rejected by the EU. The Commission will ask the government in Paris in late October to submit a […]

Growing Organs First the Penis next Brains?

Believe it or not, they are growing penises in a lab: Scientists say organs could be tested on humans within five years. While the penis is a very useful organ, perhaps this could solve politics where heads of state just duel it out to see whose is bigger, at least until they can grow brains […]

Europe’s Answer to Reform – More of the Same

Jean-Claude Juncker won the support of Europe’s lawmakers to become European Commission president, despite the opposition from Britain. It was clearly a slap in the face to Britain and it is highly doubtful that his leadership will be able to patch up relations with the U.K.. Juncker, a former Luxembourg prime minister and will now […]

Biden – Always the Loose Cannon

The White House defended Vice President Joe Biden on Monday as expected after he was forced to call leaders in Turkey and the United Arab Emirates to apologize for remarks he made suggesting they had supported Islamist militants in Syria. Biden has a reputation for shooting off his mouth constantly.

European Scientists Trace AIDS back to 1920

A European team of scientists have reconstructed the spread of HIV (AIDS) and found it began in the city of Kinshasa, capital of what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its spread from their following trade routes.

TASS Reports in Russia Obama’s Attempt to Cut Off Russia from the Entire World Economy

  The Russian Press has now reported that Obama attempt to have Russia cut off from the world economy removing from the SWIFT transfer system. This is absolutely an outrageous attempt by Obama that would amount to a declaration of war for that is the only time when such measures have taken place between world […]

Gorbachev One of the last few world leaders Blasts Obama as the Great Plague

I have known world leaders as everyone knows. There was a time when before Bush, Jr., you could have an intelligent conversation with such people. Ever since, the quality of leadership has crashed and burned. One of the few true leaders who had courage and the brains behind it was Mikhail Gorbachev. Now Mikhail Gorbachev has been […]