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Hollande Single-Handedly Destroys France

France is bankrupt and part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis comes when a government has to roll its debt and there is no bid. Next year, France’s President Francois Hollande must face a budget deficit along with the country’s biggest-ever rollover of existing debt in history. If there is no bid, we are looking at […]

Obama & Holder Destroy the Constitution

I have studied Constitutional Law intensely and I can say with conviction that history will indeed remember Eric Holder and his mentor Obama for much more than merely the top 9 controversial issues everyone writes about. Mr. Holder’s more than five years as the nation’s chief legal officer has been absolutely devastating to the future […]

Ebola Plague? Stupidity is a real epidemic inside government

Stupidity is a real epidemic inside government. Now the man who was on a plane from Liberia with Ebola has finally sparked a thought inside government. A rare event! Someone in the State Department suddenly said: Oh shit! We have to track everyone who was on that plane! Dah! Honestly, what moron cannot figure out […]

Swiss Pension Crisis – It’s Everywhere

This whole idea of socialism has created a system that is way beyond what anyone in their right mind would have created. The Swiss pension system is at risk no different from anyone else. Swiss life insurance companies guarantee one part of the pensions of Swiss workers. Now the Swiss unions have figured this mess out and […]

The Trade of a Lifetime?

COMMENT: Marty, the Wall Street Journal finally explained on October 1st, 2014 that investors suddenly see a rising dollar as bullish for the US stock market. I just wanted to say they are 3 years behind you it seems all the time. Thanks so much for pointing the way. I got out of gold and […]

IMF – Threatening the World – A Undemocratic Institution That is Off the Chain

  Behind the Curtain the IMF has been running around threatening all the small countries that use to be tax havens to give up all the names of foreigners. Christine Lagarde has not skipped any even Panama. This is why she was installed as head of the IMF by Obama. She has abused the power […]

Why the Rich Get Richer

The great evil the socialist/communist economists like the French economist Thomas Piketty who distorts data in order to harp about that the rich always get richer. Piketty is like the Global Warming crowd, if the data disproves your argument – alter it. You are working for a higher cause than just truth. Piketty claims the bottom 90 percent’s […]

More Fraud Exposed in Scottish Election

Scottish man finds a bag full of “YES” votes in the Scottish Elections that have been trashed. This is just further evidence of election fraud. Based up the pattern and information and beliefs, the EU was behind ensuring that Scotland would reject separation from the UK because of fears of a European-wide contagion. EU vote […]

Irish Attack Politicians After They Exempt Themselves from Paying for Water

Politicians are within that hatred group who they always yell about – the hated “rich”. In Ireland, they earn over €130,000 when the “rich” defined as the top 1% begins with people earning $100,000 or more. Now, the Irish have become outraged how politicians exempted themselves from paying water bills for a second home. You just […]

Taxes Move People & Money

Taxes move people and capital. While governments are doing everything they can to shut down international capital flows that will result in the worst depression since 1929, they are also blind to the fact that internally both people and capital are on the move to the best tax deals.   The railroad expanded the economy […]