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Obama’s Russian Sanctions Are Backfiring on US & Further Destroying The World Economy

  The US up until Bush, Jr has been the driving force behind the World Economy. I warned that the USA peaked in 1999 and that we would begin to see a decline that would result in the fragmentation of the USA at the end of the cycle. However, the cycle of Political Change on […]

The First Ebola case Appears in the US

The first case of the lethal Ebola virus has been diagnosed in Dallas, Texas. It appears the man is believed to have contracted the virus in Liberia before travelling to the US nearly two weeks ago. Health officials say he is being kept in isolation. However, you can bet everyone on that plane was at least exposed. […]

Youth Protests in Hong Kong Becoming Large

What people do not get is the divide between the generations. The youth have it far worse than their parents and they want jobs, lower taxes, and freedom. The older generation simply looks to exploit the youth and take the approach of shut-up and obey your elders. That is not working in Europe, Scotland, Iran, […]

Spanish Court Denies Spanish Right to Vote

Spain’s constitutional court has decided to suspend Catalonia’s referendum on independence following a request from the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. This ruthless undemocratic pretend leader jumps whatever height the EU Commission tells him to do betraying his own country to the rising dictatorship of Brussels. As reported, a court spokeswoman stated that the 12 […]

Australian Scientists Caught Rigging Climate Number to Fake Global Warming

In Australia, the scientists have been caught red-handed adjusting the number to pretend the climate has been getting warmer. Let’s get real here. There are natural cycles within climate. How did the Ice Ages end before without cars? Guess it must have been a lot of cows farting as Europe has declared cows pose the second […]

EU To Aggressively Increase Tax Collection

The Social Democrats in Europe demand that the office of the new EU Commissioner place the collection of taxes very high on the agenda. All governments are going broke and this is the DEFLATIONARY side the hyperinflationists never acknowledge. Those in government only view their crisis through tax evasion and avoidance and exaggerate everything. The […]

Before Government Pays You Anything – They Search A Massive Database that links You with Friends and Family

Before the government will pay you Social Security, they do a credit search and then if you owe anything – they deduct it. It has been a very rude awakening for a growing number of seniors: They file for Social Security, then suddenly discover that the federal government plans to take part of their benefit to […]

Government Worker Claims increase 30% since 2009 in LA

Pensions are the great problem and how government workers exploit loopholes to get even more is starting to come to light around the world. In New Zealand, years ago they created a program that is a woman got pregnant and did not know who the father of the child was, the state provided everything even […]

JPM Stop UK Pension Plan? Reports Reader.

Hi Marty, I am in receipt of a small pension in relation to a brief period of work with JP Morgan. Yesterday I received a letter from the pension administator (Prudential) saying that they have been told by JPM that they are winding up their UK pension plan. Interesting, as I always thought it was […]

NSA Has been using a 1981 Executive Order to Circumvent Congress and the Constitution

The NSA has been secretly using a Presidential Executive Order issued back in 1981 to justify everything it does and not an actual democratic law issued by Congress no less the Constitution. Documents released by the U.S. government  suddenly reveal, thanks to the ACLU, that the NSA views an executive order issued in 1981 as the […]