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HSBC Moves for Protective Order to Prevent Armstrong From Helping Japanese

  HSBC obtained a Protective Order (HSBC-GagOrder061900) without end that I was to be forbidden to help the Japanese recover anything from the Bank. Of course the bank got full immunity for its directors provided it returned the money it had taken from our accounts to cover illegal trading activity that took place at the direction […]

Was AIG Bailout Legal – NO!!!!!

A trial in Washington may get to the truth for it is at least not New York City. There will be many star players taking the stand. No NY court would have ever allowed such a spectacle. There was a Buffet Goldman offer until they decided to let government funds be used. The Fed and […]

Atlas is Getting Tired of Holding up the World Economy

It is becoming a familiar story of global uprisings and discontent outside the USA while steady economic growth in the USA remains the only thing holding up the world economy. Socialism is dead just as communism. The idea that governments can manipulate the economy to smooth out the business cycle has been a disaster. Even […]

Turkey Sends Back 3 Islamist fighters to France

Three Islamist fighters from France could were returned by Turkey. To everyone’s surprise, they entered France freely at Marseille airport after Turkey had expelled them and put on a plane. The French authorities knew that Turkey’s three terror suspects had put on a plane. Nonetheless, the French police were not waiting at the airport Marseille, but […]

UBS Preparing to Delist Stock

Banks are finding that it is far better to stay out of the United States than to be in. Foreign banks are targeted to allow the government to pretend it is dealing with the banks while it is really still overlooking some favored banks in New York. UBS in Switzerland is preparing to delist its […]

Russian Sanctions – Huge Mistake

Politicians just keep making the same mistake over and over again. They perpetually turn to sanctions bankrupting private business with no respect whatsoever as the USA is wiping out farmers in Europe. But worst of all, there is not a single incident where sanctions have EVER worked even once. They often remain in place beyond […]

Illegal Search & Seizure

COMMENT: Don’t you think the government should be able to get access to someone’s contacts if it helps solve a crime? REPLY: You act as if no crime could have been solved before smart-phones. The old fashion way way back in ancient times before smart-phones, you had to go to a judge and tap someone’s […]

2014 Silver Report – Ready To Ship

  Part III covering Silver in US, Australian, and Canadian Dollars, British pounds, Euros, Swiss, Japanese Yen, and Chinese Yuan is ready to ship. This also includes the CONCLUSION with a detailed review of the Benchmarks and how they have come into play producing even the precise low in 2013 in gold. We have laid […]

The Pension Crisis – $2 Trillion Hole in Just Top 25 Funds

Moody’s has reported that the top 25 largest U.S. public pension funds face about $2 trillion in unfunded liabilities. This is what we see as the next great crisis post 2015.75. We are in a very serious economic crisis within the years ahead and we are preparing a very important report on this crisis. We will […]

FBI James Comey Attacks Apple & Google

FBI director James Comey, who used to be the head prosecutor in NYC the most corrupt office in the system, had come out swinging at Apple and Google for developing forms of smartphone encryption so secure that law enforcement officials cannot easily gain access to information stored on the devices – even when they have […]